Informaciones actualizadas desde grandes organizaciones internacionales
Human Rights Watch
<p>(Beirut) – Iranian authorities have issued heavy prison sentences for at least two dozen activists from the Azeri minority since October 2024, without showing real evidence, Human Rights Watch...
Human Rights Watch
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Human Rights Watch
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Human Rights Watch
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Cacao, sugar and butter are part of the recipe for chocolate, more specifically, Peace by Chocolate – a company started by the Hadhad family, who fled to Canada long before the brutal 13-year-long war...
As the clock ticks toward 2030, parliamentarians gathered at UN Headquarters in New York on Thursday to assess the state of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – and the verdict was anything but ...
More than 825,000 people who were displaced within Syria have returned to their areas of origin since December, the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, said on Thursday.
The UN is racing against time to expand humanitarian relief and prepare for the monumental task of rebuilding Gaza, as a fragile ceasefire holds but tensions loom over a potential resumption of fighti...
Agnès Callamard, secretaria general de Amnistía Internacional, asistirá a la Conferencia de Seguridad de Múnich del 14 al 16 de febrero, donde estará disponible para entrevistas y pedirá a altos cargo...
Las autoridades yemeníes deben investigar con urgencia la muerte bajo custodia de un trabajador de ayuda humanitaria del Programa Mundial de Alimentos de la ONU que permanecía en detención arbitraria ...
La implacable violencia de las bandas criminales en Puerto Príncipe y sus alrededores ha tenido como consecuencia un brutal ataque contra la infancia en Haití. Así lo ha manifestado Amnistía Internaci...
Ante la noticia del fallo absolutorio en el nuevo juicio de Mücella Yapıcı, Hakan Altınay y Yiğit Ekmekçi, cuyas sentencias condenatorias y condenas a 18 años de prisión en relación con las protestas ...