Informaciones actualizadas desde grandes organizaciones internacionales
Human Rights Watch
<p>(New York) – Human Rights Watch announced today that the Board of Directors has named Federico Borello as interim executive director, effective immediately. Borello, the current deputy ex...
Human Rights Watch
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Los legisladores franceses deben rechazar un proyecto de ley discriminatorio que prohibiría el uso de prendas de vestir y símbolos “ostensiblemente religiosos” en las competiciones de todos los deport...
Strengthening international cooperation and delivering on a UN pact that calls for reforming global governance, among other measures, was the focus of debate in the Security Council on Tuesday.
The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) called on Tuesday for urgent action to combat climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, warning that progress on all fronts remains slow and uneven.
The humanitarian emergency in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) has deteriorated sharply with serious human rights violations and abuses, including reported summary executions of children...
Multilateralism is a term frequently used at the United Nations, but it’s not a concept that is only relevant to the corridors and conference rooms where international diplomacy takes place.
Human Rights Watch
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Human Rights Watch
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El 14 de enero las autoridades cubanas anunciaron que “en el espíritu del Jubileo Ordinario de 2025” y tras conversaciones con el Papa Francisco excarcelarían 553 personas. Paralelamente, el gobierno ...
Amnistía Internacional Malasia ha visto con gran alarma que la ejecución del malasio Pannir Selvam Pranthaman en Singapur se ha programado para el jueves, 20 de febrero.Dadas las violaciones de salvag...
Cuando se conmemora el primer aniversario de la muerte bajo custodia del político opositor y preso de conciencia ruso Alekséi Navalny, la secretaria general de Amnistía Internacional, Agnès Callamard,...