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Indonesia: Investigate Killing of Journalist and His Family

Click to expand Image Eva Meliana Pasaribu, daughter of the late journalist Rico Sempurna Pasaribu, delivers a press statement accompanied by representatives of the Medan Legal Aid Institute (LBH) and...

World Court Finds Israel Responsible for Apartheid

Click to expand Image The International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, August 27, 2018. © 2018 Mike Corder/AP Photo (New York) –  The International Court of Justice (ICJ) issued an adviso...

World Court Reviews 57-Year Israeli Occupation

Click to expand Image The International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands, August 27, 2018. © 2018 Mike Corder/AP Photo (The Hague) – The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is set to issue ...

Former Eswatini Parliamentarians Sentenced to Long Prison Terms

Click to expand Image Former members of the Eswatini Parliament Mduduzi Bacede Mabuza (left) and Mthandeni Dube.  Source: Official Parliament of the Kingdom of Eswatini This month, a court in Eswatini...

Deported Cameroonian Asylum Seekers Returned to US

Click to expand Image Daniel T., coordinator of the Cameroon Advocacy Network, an immigrant rights coalition, holds a sign calling for a halt to US deportations to Cameroon and for Temporary Protected...

Gaza: US, UK Outliers in Holding Back UNRWA Funding

Click to expand Image A member of the UN checks on the destruction at a school run by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) that was previously hit by Israeli bombardment, in t...

Perú: Muertes y lesiones en protestas podrían implicar a presidenta y cadena de mando como responsables penales

Dieciocho meses después de uno de los episodios más graves de violaciones masivas de derechos humanos en la historia reciente de Perú, en el que 50 personas y un policía murieron y más de 1.400 result...

Reino Unido: Las largas condenas de prisión impuestas a manifestantes ecologistas son draconianas

  En reacción a la condena impuesta hoy a cinco activistas ecologistas en relación con las protestas no violentas de la iniciativa “Just Stop Oil” por el fin del uso de los combustibles fósiles que se...

Cameroon First Daughter Calls for Decriminalization of Same-Sex Conduct

Click to expand Image A photo from the series “Visibilité Trans: De l'ombre à la lumière (Trans Visibility: From Shadow to Light” by Femmes Debout, Cameroun.  © 2023 Femmes Debout On July 9, in an int...

Philippines Activists, Educators Convicted in Concerning Case

Click to expand Image Filipino incumbent legislator France Castro (R) and former legislator Satur Ocampo (L) join supporters to protest the guilty verdict in their child abuse court trial, during an r...

France: As Olympics Approach, Human Rights in Spotlight

Click to expand Image The Olympic rings on the Eiffel Tower, June 7, 2024 in Paris. © 2024 AP Photo/Aurelien Morissard (Paris) – The Olympic and Paralympic Games in France should usher in reforms to e...

Yemen: UAE-Backed Group Seizes Women’s Shelter

Click to expand Image The Yemen Women’s Union office in Aden with a sign of the Southern Women’s Union, along with the flag used by the Southern Transitional Council (formerly the flag of South Yemen)...

Egipto: Más de 100 personas sometidas a detención arbitraria por llamar a protestar contra el gobierno 

Las autoridades egipcias han iniciado una nueva oleada de detenciones arbitrarias contra decenas de personas con ocasión de las protestas antigubernamentales, convocadas en un clima de creciente desco...

Israel debe poner fin a las detenciones masivas en régimen de incomunicación y a la tortura de personas palestinas de Gaza

“Las autoridades israelíes deben poner fin a la detención indefinida en régimen de incomunicación de personas palestinas de la Franja de Gaza ocupada, sin cargos ni juicio, en virtud de la Ley de Comb...

Francia: La prohibición del hiyab en el deporte francés revela un doble rasero discriminatorio de cara a los Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos

La prohibición de competir en los Juegos Olímpicos a las atletas francesas que usan hiyab infringe el derecho internacional de los derechos humanos y pone de manifiesto la discriminatoria hipocresía d...

Gambia: Que se siga prohibiendo la mutilación genital femenina es una buena noticia, pero las autoridades deben abordar con urgencia sus causas

Julio 15, 2024       Ante el rechazo por el Parlamento de Gambia el 15 de julio de un proyecto de ley para derogar la Reforma de la Ley de la Mujer de 2015, que prohíbe la mutilación genital femenina ...

Finlandia: La ley de emergencia sobre migración es incompatible con la legislación de la UE y debe ser “examinada rigurosamente”

Ante la aprobación por el Parlamento finlandés de la ley de emergencia sobre la llamada “instrumentalización” de la migración, Dinushika Dissanayake, directora regional adjunta de Amnistía Internacion...

Israel y Territorios Palestinos Ocupados: Hamás y otros grupos armados deben liberar de inmediato a los rehenes civiles en Gaza

Amnistía Internacional ha reiterado hoy que Hamás y otros grupos armados deben liberar de inmediato y sin condiciones a todos los rehenes civiles a los que mantienen en cautiverio desde el 7 de octubr...

Bielorrusia: El Nobel de la Paz Ales Bialiatski debe ser puesto en libertad, tras conocerse que su salud se deteriora

En vísperas del tercer aniversario del encarcelamiento el 14 de julio de Ales Bialiatski, galardonado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz y presidente del Centro de Derechos Humanos “Viasna”, cuya salud, se...

Pakistán: La prórroga por un año para las personas refugiadas afganas registradas ante la ONU es un primer paso positivo, pero la medida debe hacerse extensible a todas las personas refugiadas

En respuesta al anuncio efectuado el miércoles de que el gobierno de Pakistán ha aceptado una prórroga de un año para más de 1,45 millones de personas refugiadas afganas a las que el ACNUR había exped...

Your right to stand for forests is under attack — again

If it seems like we’ve been talking about lawsuits a lot lately, it’s because we have.Corporate bullies, helped by Donald Trump’s go-to law firm, have filed two massive lawsuits against Greenpeace in ...

Sponsoring climate change

It is that time again. Four years roll by and once more the greatest winter athletes in the world will come together to wow us on death-defying luge runs, courageous ski jumps or surprisingly mesmeris...

A tribute to Jon Castle

James (Jon) Castle - 7 December 1950 to 12 January 2018Over four decades Captain Jon Castle navigated Greenpeace ships by the twin stars of ‘right and wrong’, defending the environment and promoting p...

We don't just need electric cars, we need fewer cars

Ever since the first production car rolled off the assembly line more than 100 years ago, our love affair with automobiles has grown and grown. In countries like the UK, France, Italy and Germany ther...

Diving to the Antarctic sea floor is a scientist’s dream come true

Most people would be surprised about how many species of cold-water corals and amazing sponges you’d find on the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean. Even as the scientist who has identified three quarters ...

The Rise of the Penguins

Never have so many penguins been seen waddling in so many places.They were ice skating in Stockholm, tap dancing in London, trekking up the highest mountain in Turkey and marching on mass in central T...

Listening for Justice in Davos

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing” - Arundhati RoyI can hear her too. I have spent my working life trying to help others hear her. I wond...

Which is the Antarctic's top penguin?

Not every penguin is up to the challenge of living in the Antarctic, but those that do are a special sort of awesome. Remember, they don’t have the luxury of being able to fly away again if the weathe...

We can’t just recycle our way out of the plastic pollution crisis

Plastics are in the air. Not only literally. Everyone's talking about plastic pollution and the need to take action.You don’t need to be conducting a scientific research to see that plastic waste is i...

How do we make corporations more accountable?

Greenpeace is famous for campaigning against corporations.We made “Choke” out of Coca-Cola's logo to draw attention to the massive plastic pollution impact they have around the world. Polar bear hijac...