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International Criminal Court Members Speak Out

Click to expand Image The International Criminal Court (ICC) is seen in The Hague, Netherlands, November 7, 2019.  © 2019 AP Photo/Peter Dejong, File Ninety-three member countries of the International...

Global: El ‘apartheid’ de género debe ser reconocido como crimen de derecho internacional

  “El apartheid de género debe ser reconocido como crimen de derecho internacional a fin de intensificar los esfuerzos para combatir los regímenes institucionalizados de opresión y dominación sistemát...

Cambodia: Drop Charges Against Environmental Activists

Click to expand Image Five Mother Nature activists, from left to right Ly Chandaravuth, Thun Ratha, Yim Leanghy, Phuon Keoraksmey, and Long Kunthea, recording a podcast outside the court in Phnom Penh...

Africa: Accelerate Free Education for All

Click to expand Image Girls walk out of the main entrance of a public school in Nacala, Mozambique, July 4, 2018. © 2018 Gianluigi Guercia/APF via Getty Images (Abuja) – African governments should acc...

Angola Becomes First Country to Join African Criminal Court

Click to expand Image 17th Ordinary African Union Summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, July 2, 2011. © 2011 Government of Equatorial Guinea Angola has officially become the first African Union member ...

China: La declaración de culpabilidad “maliciosa” de activistas del movimiento #MeToo muestra el creciente miedo de Pekín a la disidencia

Ante la noticia de que la activista China del movimiento #MeToo  Sophia Huang Xueqin y el activista de los derechos de las personas trabajadoras Wang Jianbing han sido condenados a cinco años y tres a...

Los gobiernos de Oriente Medio y el Norte de África deben establecer sistemas de protección social universales para toda la población

Los gobiernos de todo Oriente Medio y el Norte de África deben tratar de desarrollar, ampliar y financiar sistemas de protección social universales que garanticen el derecho a la seguridad social a to...

Rwanda: Respect Rights During Elections

Click to expand Image An electoral poster for Rwandan President Paul Kagame during the last days of campaigning on July 29, 2017, in Kigali, Rwanda. © 2017 Marco Longari/AFP (Nairobi) – The authoritie...

Aumentar la financiación y garantizar el espacio de la sociedad civil, aspectos esenciales de la justicia climática en la COP29

Ann Harrison, asesora sobre justicia climática de Amnistía Internacional, ha declarado hoy en la clausura de la Conferencia de Bonn sobre Cambio Climático organizada por la ONU: “Es esencial aumentar ...

Pylos Shipwreck Survivors Still Waiting for Answers

Click to expand Image Hamza’s three childhood friends from Pakistan who were on the boat that sank off Pylos, Greece, on June 14, 2023. They have been missing ever since © On June 14, 2023, an overcro...

Thailand: Don’t Return Montagnard Activist to Vietnam

Click to expand Image Y Quynh Bdăp. © Private (Bangkok) – The Thai government should immediately release Y Quynh Bdap, a Montagnard religious freedom activist and refugee, and ensure that he is not se...

Niger Court May Lift Immunity of Ex-President After Unfair Proceedings

Click to expand Image Former Niger President Mohamed Bazoum at the Elysee Palace in Paris, February 16, 2023. © 2023 Michel Euler/AP Photo Niger’s highest court on June 14 may decide to lift the immun...

Reino Unido: Satisfacción por la autorización para poder apelar ante el envío de armas a Israel

En respuesta a la autorización otorgada esta mañana por el Tribunal Superior de Reino Unido a Amnistía Internacional y Human Rights Watch para intervenir en una apelación en curso de Al Haq y la Red G...

Israel Joins UN ‘List of Shame’ for Abuses Against Children in War

Click to expand Image People salvage belongings amid the rubble of a damaged building following strikes on Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip, November 12, 2023. © 2023 Mohammed Abed/AFP via Getty Image...

Greece: On Pylos Shipwreck Anniversary, Still No Justice

Click to expand Image Syrian survivor Mohammad, 18, who was rescued with other people after their boat, the Adriana, sank off the Greek coast, hugs his brother Fadi, who came to meet him from Netherla...

Estados Unidos: La eliminación, por parte de las empresas de redes sociales, de los contenidos relacionados con el aborto puede obstaculizar el acceso a información precisa sobre la salud

La eliminación, por parte de las plataformas de redes sociales, sin una justificación adecuada o clara, de los contenidos relacionados con el aborto puede contribuir a aumentar las dificultades en el ...

Ataques a personas LGBTI y refugiadas, violaciones a la libertad de expresión, asociación y reunión pacífica: preocupaciones ante la visita de Erdogan a España

Madrid.- Este jueves 13 de junio se celebrará en Madrid la VIII Cumbre España-Turquía, que contará con la asistencia del presidente turco, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Amnistía Internacional ha aprovechado e...

Los derechos humanos deben estar en el centro de las reuniones internacionales sobre la paz y la reconstrucción en Ucrania

“La comunidad internacional debe garantizar que dos importantes conferencias sobre la paz y la reconstrucción en Ucrania se centren firmemente en los derechos humanos, la justicia para las víctimas de...

Nigeria: Las autoridades desatienden a las niñas huidas del cautiverio de Boko Haram

  Las niñas y mujeres jóvenes que escaparon del cautiverio de Boko Haram en el noreste de Nigeria tuvieron que soportar aún más sufrimiento, algunas incluso detención militar ilegítima, y ahora que in...

Global: El récord de 12 meses de calor global subraya la urgencia de emprender acciones para impartir justicia climática

Como repuesta a los datos facilitados por el Servicio de Cambio Climático de Copernicus, que muestran que el mes pasado fue el mayo más cálido registrado hasta el momento, y que las temperaturas media...

Your right to stand for forests is under attack — again

If it seems like we’ve been talking about lawsuits a lot lately, it’s because we have.Corporate bullies, helped by Donald Trump’s go-to law firm, have filed two massive lawsuits against Greenpeace in ...

Sponsoring climate change

It is that time again. Four years roll by and once more the greatest winter athletes in the world will come together to wow us on death-defying luge runs, courageous ski jumps or surprisingly mesmeris...

A tribute to Jon Castle

James (Jon) Castle - 7 December 1950 to 12 January 2018Over four decades Captain Jon Castle navigated Greenpeace ships by the twin stars of ‘right and wrong’, defending the environment and promoting p...

We don't just need electric cars, we need fewer cars

Ever since the first production car rolled off the assembly line more than 100 years ago, our love affair with automobiles has grown and grown. In countries like the UK, France, Italy and Germany ther...

Diving to the Antarctic sea floor is a scientist’s dream come true

Most people would be surprised about how many species of cold-water corals and amazing sponges you’d find on the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean. Even as the scientist who has identified three quarters ...

The Rise of the Penguins

Never have so many penguins been seen waddling in so many places.They were ice skating in Stockholm, tap dancing in London, trekking up the highest mountain in Turkey and marching on mass in central T...

Listening for Justice in Davos

“Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing” - Arundhati RoyI can hear her too. I have spent my working life trying to help others hear her. I wond...

Which is the Antarctic's top penguin?

Not every penguin is up to the challenge of living in the Antarctic, but those that do are a special sort of awesome. Remember, they don’t have the luxury of being able to fly away again if the weathe...

We can’t just recycle our way out of the plastic pollution crisis

Plastics are in the air. Not only literally. Everyone's talking about plastic pollution and the need to take action.You don’t need to be conducting a scientific research to see that plastic waste is i...

How do we make corporations more accountable?

Greenpeace is famous for campaigning against corporations.We made “Choke” out of Coca-Cola's logo to draw attention to the massive plastic pollution impact they have around the world. Polar bear hijac...