
Bardem gets Oscar nod but Bollain rained off

Spanish star gets third Academy nomination

If anything is clear about the 83rd Academy Awards, the nominees for which were announced on Tuesday, it is that Javier Bardem is a well-established actor in Hollywood. The Spaniard has been nominated for an Oscar for the third time for his work in Alejandro González Iñárritu's Biutiful.

Bardem, who won a statuette for his performance in No Country for Old Men, is in Los Angeles with his partner, actress Penélope Cruz, awaiting the birth of their first child.

In a brief release, the actor said: "I feel truly honored by this nomination."

Spanish director Iciar Bollain's Even the Rain was left out of the finalists.

Javier Bardem, in a scene from 'Biutiful'.
Javier Bardem, in a scene from 'Biutiful'.
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