16 fotosAndres Serrano, sagrado o profanoUna retrospectiva recorre la obra de uno de los artistas más polémicos del momentoGloria Crespo MacLennan07 abr 2017 - 00:02CESTWhatsappFacebookTwitterLinkedinBlueskyCopiar enlaceThe Other Christ (The Interpretation of Dreams), 2001Andres SerranoLori y Dori (La interpretación de los sueños), 2001Andres SerranoWhite Nigger (The Interpretation of Dreams), 2001Andres SerranoBishop Mercurius of The Russian Orthodox Church in N.Y. (America), 2002Andres SerranoMangal Singh, Sikh (America), 2002Andres SerranoAya Basemah, Convert To Islam (America), 2002Andres SerranoDonald Trump (America), 2004Andres SerranoSin título X-1, X-3, X-2 (Tortura), 2015Andres SerranoUntitled XXVI-1 (Torture), 2015Andres Serranonfectious Pneumonia (The Morgue), 1992Andres SerranoDog Position II (Torture), 2015Andres SerranoFatal Meningitis (The Morgue), 1992Andres SerranoBlack Supper (Immersions), 1990Andres SerranoWhite Man's Burden (The Interpretation of Dreams), 2000Andres SerranoThe Thinker (Immersions), 1988Andres SerranoPiss Pope, Parte I y II (Immersions), 1988Andres Serrano