
Cable en el que la primera ministra de Bangladesh explica sus recelos contra Muhammed Yunus, el banquero de los pobres

Date:2009-11-30 05:54:00
Source:Embassy Dhaka
DE RUEHKA #1078/01 3340554
P 300554Z NOV 09

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 03 DHAKA 001078



E.O. 12958: DECL: 11/16/2019


Classified By: CDA a.i. Nicholas Dean, Reasons 1.4 (b) and (d)


1. (C) A prophet has no honor in his own country, at least
as far as Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus and
Bangladesh's Awami League government is concerned. Prime
Minister Sheikh Hasina and Foreign Minister Dipu Moni made
clear their distrust and suspicion of Yunus in several recent
meetings with senior USG officials. While they claimed Yunus
engaged in corrupt practices at Grameen Bank, his
micro-credit brainchild, Yunus' ties to the recent Caretaker
Government and his brief contemplation of a role in
Bangladesh politics are more likely the reasons for Awami
League disdain.

Background: Ties to the caretakers

2. (C) During the term of the 2007-2008 Caretaker Government
(CTG), some of the CTG's military backers approached Muhammad
Yunus about setting up a political party as an alternative to
the two leading political parties, the Awami League (AL) and
the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). It is likely some of
the caretakers hoped Yunus' international stature as a Nobel
Peace Laureate and founding father of micro-credit could
translate into a domestic political force that could rid
Bangladesh of its endemic corruption and dynastic politics.
Yunus briefly flirted with a political bid, but quickly
decided he, and Grameen Bank, were better off remaining
outside politics.

New GOB signals displeasure with Grameen

3. (C) No one in Bangladesh can escape politics, however.
Following the December 2008 national elections that swept the
Awami League and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina into power, it
soon became clear the new Government of Bangladesh (GOB) was
not interested in helping Professor Yunus or Grameen Bank.
The Caretaker Government had passed an ordinance that
empowered the Grameen Bank board of directors to appoint its
Chairman. Previously, the GOB, which originally held a
majority stake in Grameen Bank, had final authority over the
Chairman's appointment. The Prime Minister signaled her
displeasure with Yunus by refusing to ratify the CTG's
ordinance as required under Bangladesh law. The GOB
therefore retains its power to appoint Grameen's Chairman.

4. (C) At the same time, the Awami League Government decided
not to renew the leases on close to 1,000 fish farms managed
under Grameen's fisheries program since 1986. According to
Grameen Fisheries, it took poorly-run, government-owned fish
ponds and transformed them into viable operations that
support more than 10,000 families. The GOB now plans to
reclaim the ponds. The GOB also has not granted approval of
a Yunus plan to put establish a job placement/training

Ambassador weighs in with Prime Minister

5. (C) Fearing GOB displeasure with him would jeopardize
Grameen Bank and his other initiatives, Yunus requested the
Ambassador put in a good word with the PM on behalf of
Grameen and Yunus. In a November 5 meeting with Hasina, the
Ambassador highlighted the upcoming visit of
Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues Melanne
Verveer. The Prime Minister brightened saying that she
remembered Verveer and looked forward to seeing her. The
Ambassador then suggested that Verveer was also interested in
meeting with Yunus; offering this as one of many examples
where improved relations between the GOB and Yunus would be
good for Bangladesh. At this, the Prime Minister
theatrically rolled her eyes and shook her head. She spoke
at length about her estrangement from Yunus and nodded her
agreement when an advisor in the meeting characterized Yunus
as ungrateful for the Grameen Phone deal that the Prime
Minister had made possible.

6. (C) Most keenly, the Prime Minister felt Yunus had
exercised poor judgment by courting military officers who had
presented Yunus the possibility of coming to power through
military backing in early 2007. She concluded the subject of
Yunus by saying, "Perhaps we don't work together. But we

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don't stop him. When I was in Sweden (recently), Yunus was
there and we exchanged hands. It is our family tradition."

Foreign Minister blasts Yunus

7. (C) During Ambassador Verveer's November 11 meeting with
the Prime Minister, Ambassador Verveer noted Grameen's good
work and Professor Yunus' plans to start a nursing school in
Bangladesh. The PM did not comment except to note that
health care was a top GOB priority and the GOB would support
anyone in the private sector wishing to establish a nursing
school. When Ambassador Verveer met with Foreign Minister
Dipu Moni the next day, however, the Foreign Minister had a
litany of complaints against Yunus.

8. (C) In a one-on-one session that lasted more than an
hour, the Foreign Minister presented a range of allegations
against Yunus and Grameen. She complained about the high
interest rates Grameen charges its customers and alleged that
the bank used "vicious practices" to recruit customers and
obtain loan payments. The Foreign Minister claimed Yunus
broke rules and Grameen didn't comply with Bangladesh law,
including auditing requirements. She said many people in
Bangladesh were upset when Yunus won the Nobel Peace Prize
given his corrupt practices. She also said GOB leaders
understood the power of Yunus' international reputation and
therefore "bite our tongues" when accolades were heaped upon
him. On a personal note, the Foreign Minister also
complained that Yunus did not visit Sheikh Hasina in the
hospital when she was injured in a 2004 bomb attack.

Yunus responds

9. (C) Ambassadors Verveer and Moriarty met with Yunus
November 11, as he was returning to Bangladesh from Germany,
where he had joined Nelson Mandela and other luminaries in
the Berlin Wall anniversary festivities. The Ambassadors
relayed GOB complaints to Yunus, who said they echoed much of
what he was hearing from his sources. He disputed all the
allegations, noting that Grameen had nearly 8 million
borrowers and had disbursed $8 billion in loans since its
inception, more than 95 percent of which had been repaid. He
said bank customers currently had the equivalent of
half-a-billion dollars in savings at Grameen. According to
Yunus, he and Grameen complied with all laws, including
annual audits.

10. (C) Yunus agreed that the Prime Minister likely viewed
him as part of the Caretaker Government that tried to remove
her and her rival, Begum Khaleda Zia of the opposition BNP,
from Bangladesh's political scene. Yunus said the PM's
attitude was, "you're either with me or against me." (NOTE:
For her part, BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia has adopted a much
friendlier tone towards Yunus, leading some to accuse him of
harboring BNP sympathies. END NOTE.)

11. (C) Yunus said he would continue to forge ahead with his
work at the bank and other Grameen initiatives, including in
the areas of health care and social entrepreneurship. He
predicted his work would be slowed by the GOB, however, since
any new business or organization he planned to start would
require some sort of GOB license or approval. Yunus said he
had hoped someone would be able to mediate on his behalf;
however, he understood the difficulty in doing so given that
both Sheikh Hasina and FM Moni were not willing to meet him.


12. (C) Despite the wide ranging claims of Yunus' misdeeds
by the PM and FM, it is likely their biggest problem with
Yunus is connected to his brief contemplation of politics.
That foray, however short, is proof in their minds that Yunus
-- backed by his millions of borrowers -- seeks to usurp
them. The unwillingness of the Prime Minister and Foreign
Minister to accept positive statements about Yunus from us
means that for the time being we must find other ways to
support the work of Grameen. Perhaps our efforts are best
directed at specific Grameen projects, many of which include
U.S. companies or organizations as partners. We will also
continue to work with potential mediators such as PM Foreign
Policy Advisor and longtime Yunus confidante Dr. Gowher Rizvi.

13. (C) This dispute also raises questions about the
long-term future of Grameen Bank. Yunus is 69 years old. He
told Ambassadors Moriarty and Verveer he had offered to
retire on a number of occasions, but the bank board had

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refused his offers, claiming there would be a run on the bank
if he left. Yunus said he had been grooming a successor, but
claimed GOB leaders had wooed that person into their camp and
now he was working against Yunus within the bank. If Grameen
Bank is to continue transforming lives as it has for the last
two decades, Yunus and the bank must find a way for Grameen
to keep working even after Yunus is gone.

14. (U) S/GWI cleared this cable.

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Bangladesh, contra su premio Nobel
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