What is hypogonadism and how do you know if you have it?
This condition occurs when the testes do not produce normal levels of testosterone
This condition occurs when the testes do not produce normal levels of testosterone
To reduce the risk of osteoporosis, you should avoid eating and drinking these seven things
Being aware of the early signs is the best way to catch the disease and increase the likelihood of a full recovery
The prostate is responsible for producing the fluid that makes up semen, filtering sperm and maintaining an erection
Whether from injury or testicular cancer, losing a testicle can be traumatic for men of all ages
Three-quarters of all men will experience the condition by the time they reach the age of 75
The number of men under 50 diagnosed with prostate cancer has increased 600% in the last 20 years
Recent discoveries in risk reduction, screening, imaging and treatment have increased the chances men can beat the disease
Visceral fat around the stomach can put a man at risk of chronic health disease
Focusing on your physical and mental well-being is an important way to deal with the uncertainty that comes with a diagnosis
Men who have vascular-related impotence are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke or sudden cardiac death
Despite the fact that it has few symptoms, there are still ways to check whether you are suffering from the bone disease
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of cancer
The problem of urinary incontinence affects around 25 million Americans, but these issues can often be fixed by making some simple lifestyle changes
In our fast-paced times, tension and strain can often lead to chronic health conditions in men, including heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer
The body’s second-largest organ is a metabolic powerhouse but how much do you know about its many functions?
Varicocele affects up to three million men a year and has been linked to male infertility
This condition occurs when semen travels into the bladder instead of exiting out the penis
Regular physical exercise can reduce the risk of complications associated with the disease
From slapping on sunscreen to having regular check-ups, there are many simple ways a man can protect his health
Long bouts of celibacy can increase the risk of prostate cancer in men and have a negative effect on mood
The purpose of the procedure is to diagnose, monitor and treat conditions affecting the bladder and urethra
Knowing these numbers can help you lead a healthier and longer life
To avoid serious consequences and complications, those with the disease need to be aware of certain conditions that could be associated with it
A doctor will take into account factors such as age, overall health, and life expectancy before choosing which course of action to take
It is widely acknowledged by physicians that metabolic syndrome is a major health concern
Whether a complete surprise or not, hearing the words “You have cancer” can leave you shell-shocked
When used properly, this treatment can make a world of difference for many patients
Benign prostatic hyperplasia is the most common cause of prostate enlargement
While advanced prostate cancer is incurable, there are treatments that can help keep it under control
Every man could face a diagnosis of prostatitis, benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate cancer at some point in his life
Men of all ages can be affected by the condition, but it is most common in those under the age of 50
Each year around 16% of men who undergo a prostate biopsy will find out they have PIN, a precancerous condition of prostate cancer
This “silent disease” is found twice as often in women, but as male lifespans increase so does the rate of this brittle-bone condition
Eating specific foods and nutrients has been found to reduce the risk of being diagnosed with most common cause of cancer-related death in men
Knowing what to expect can help provide insight in how to respond with care and compassion
This painful inflammation affects 60,000 men in the United States each year
One of the best natural ways to combat a deficiency is to consume more nutrient-rich foods
“PIN” is a condition in which cells begin to look and behave abnormally, and is considered to be a precancerous condition
Also called “watchful waiting,” the method is used to monitor slow-growing or “low-grade” category disease