
The rise of osteoporosis in men

This “silent disease” is found twice as often in women, but as male lifespans increase so does the rate of this brittle-bone condition

A bone-mineral density test is performed on a patient.
A bone-mineral density test is performed on a patient.Getty

Osteoporosis, a disease causing the skeleton to weaken and bones to break, is a significant threat to more than two million men in the United States today. It is estimated that one-fifth to one-third of all hip fractures occur in men and that vertebral (spine) fractures occur about half as often in men as in women, making this brittle-bone condition not just a “woman’s disease.” In addition, when osteoporosis is found in men, it can lead to a significant threat to their mobility and independence.

Often referred to as the “silent disease,” osteoporosis can progress with few if any symptoms until a bone is broken. Men are less likely to develop the disease for several reasons: they have a larger skeleton, bone loss begins at a later age and progresses more slowly in men than in women, and men face no period of rapid hormonal change as women do during the transition to menopause. But, as the lifespan of men continues to rise, the incidence of osteoporosis in men is rising right along with it. Millions of men have low bone-mineral density, putting them at risk of developing osteoporosis. If a man has a hip fracture, they are more likely to die as a result.

Osteoporosis, the “silent disease,” can progress with few if any symptoms until a bone is broken

Causes of osteoporosis in men

There are two main types of osteoporosis: primary and secondary. Primary osteoporosis is caused either by bone loss, or the cause is unknown.

The majority of men with osteoporosis will have at least one secondary cause. Secondary causes of osteoporosis are caused by certain lifestyle behaviors, diseases, or medications. Here are some causes of secondary osteoporosis in men:

How osteoporosis is diagnosed in men

A medical workup to diagnose osteoporosis will include a complete medical history, x-rays, and urine and blood tests. A bone-mineral density test should also be ordered. This test can identify osteoporosis, determine your risk for fractures and measure response to osteoporosis treatment. The most widely recognized bone-mineral density test is called a central dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry or central DXA test. It is painless and is simply a matter of lying on a table as the machine measures bone density.

If osteoporosis is detected before significant bone loss has occurred it can be effectively treated

Prevention and treatment of osteoporosis for men

If osteoporosis is detected before significant bone loss has occurred it can be effectively treated.

But currently there are no official recommendations for osteoporosis screening in men. This leaves screening decisions in the hands of men’s physicians or the man himself in asking about whether he should be screened for osteoporosis or not. The Endocrine Society that represents physicians and scientists specializing in hormonal issues does have guidelines for men when it comes to osteoporosis:

Dr. Samadi is a board-certified urologic oncologist trained in open and traditional and laparoscopic surgery and is an expert in robotic prostate surgery. He is chairman of urology, chief of robotic surgery at Lenox Hill Hospital. He is a medical contributor for the Fox News Channel's Medical A-Team. Follow Dr. Samadi on Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, SamadiMD.com, davidsamadiwiki, davidsamadibio and Facebook

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