El mayor desalojo en la historia de Alemania ha dado comienzo hoy en la ciudad de Fráncfort, que obligará a evacuar a 60.000 personas y que se une al que tiene lugar en Coblenza, con motivo de la desactivación de sendas bombas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial halladas en estas dos ciudades
A woman pulls suitcases as she leaves her appartment in the evacuation area in Frankfurt am Main, western Germany, on September 3, 2017.
More than 60,000 people are set to be evacuated from Frankfurt's Westend district after a British World War II bomb (HC 4000 air mine) was discovered on a construction site close to the Goethe University compound last Tuesday, August 29, 2017. The operation to defuse the bomb is expected to begin at 12.00 am and to take approximately four hours. / AFP PHOTO / Thomas LohnesTHOMAS LOHNES (AFP)Firefighters and police officers observe the evacuation of Sister Sigrid's nursery home for homeless people as 60,000 people in Germany's financial capital are about to evacuate the city while experts defuse an unexploded British World War Two bomb found during renovations on the university's campus in Frankfurt, Germany, September 3, 2017. REUTERS/Kai PfaffenbachKAI PFAFFENBACH (REUTERS)A couple with children has left their apartment during an evacuation of more than 60 000 people in Frankfurt, Germany, Sunday, Sept. 3, 2017. The evacuation became necessary due to a WW II bomb that will be diffused later in the day. (Frank Rumpenhorst/dpa via AP)Frank Rumpenhorst (AP)A woman carries her belongings past a police officer as some 60,000 people in Germany's financial capital are about to evacuate the city while experts defuse an unexploded British World War Two bomb found during renovations on the university's campus in Frankfurt, Germany, September 3, 2017. REUTERS/Kai PfaffenbachKAI PFAFFENBACH (REUTERS)