13 fotosFARCFARCEl País30 nov 2017 - 18:59CETWhatsappFacebookTwitterBlueskyLinkedinCopiar enlaceBOG205. CALI (COLOMBIA), 27/06/05.- Un familiar del soldado colombiano Gersón Pazmino Garzón llora sobre su ataúd, hoy 27 de junio, durante el sepelio de cinco de los 22 soldados muertos en una emboscada de las Fuerzas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) en el departamento de Putumayo. Al ataque sobrevivieron 8 militares. EFE/Carlos Durán AraújoCarlos Durán Araújo (EFE)El pasado miércoles, mujeres de las FARC durante la presentación de 'Monólogos de la vagina' en la zona veredal Antonio Nariño, en Tolima.María Camila SalamancaREPORTAJE DE UN ASENTAMIENTO DE LAS FARC EN MECAYA EN LA REGION DE PUCUMAYO COLOMBIA A PRIMEROS DE JULIO DE 2016 FOTO :CAMILO ROZOCamilo PozoEl comandante rebelde Jairo (FARC), camina junto a tres madres que preguntan por la liberación de sus hijos prisioneros del Ejército colombiano. SVC01:COLOMBIA-PEACE:SAN VICENTE DEL CAGUAN.COLOMBIA.8JAN99 - Leftist rebel commander "Jairo" walks accompanied by three mothers who have asked for the release of their sons, January 8. Their sons are among police and soldiers taken prisoners by guerrillas in different combats in the last year and rebels are now demanding to exchange them for jailed guerrillas. The civil conflict has claimed more than 35,000 lives and forced more than one million peasants to leave their homes in the last 10 years. jmg/Photo by Henry Romero REUTERSHenry Romero (Reuters)La reina Noor de Jordania, esposa del fallecido rey Hussein, coloca una gorra a Manuel Marulanda "Tirofijo", líder de las FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia), en Los Pozos, donde la reina hace campaña en contra de las minas antipersona. Queen Noor, right, wife of the late King Hussein of Jordan, puts a cap on Manuel Marulanda, the founder and top leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, in Los Pozos, in the rebel controlled area in southern Colombia, Saturday, July 7, 2001. Queen Noor is an advocate for the banning of land mines. Guillermo Tapia, Ancol (AP)La madre de un soldado colombiano secuestrado por el grupo guerrillero FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) llora abrazada a su hijo tras su puesta en libertad. Las FARC han dejado en libres a unos 70 soldados que tenían secuestrados en la selva colombiana, en Cartagena del Chaira. CAR04:COLOMBIA-REBELS:CARTAGENA DEL CHAIRA.COLOMBIA.15JUN97 - The mother of a released soldier weeps after being reunited with her son after Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) rebels released 70 soldiers held for months in the Colombian jungle after their capture, June 15 in Cartagena del Chaira. cl/Photo by Carlos Linares REUTERSCarlos Linares (Reuters)El niño de cinco años, Lucas Wasson, que había sido secuestrado por rebeldes guerrilleros de izquierdas en Colombia durante el reencuentro con su madre Monica Negret y su padre Lee Wasson. Durante el rescate han sido detenidos 11 miembros de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC). Five-year-old Lucas Wasson, who had been kidnapped by leftist rebels, is hugged by his mother Monica Negret and father Lee Wasson as they are reunited in Bogota, Colombia Wednesday, Oct. 11, 2000. Commandos raided a jungle hideout in northeast Colombia Wednesday, rescuing the 5-year-old American boy abducted by leftist guerillas nearly four months ago. They also arrested 11 suspected members or associates of the rebel Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, who wanted money for the boy, police said. (AP Photo/Ariana Cubillos)Ariana Cubillos (AP)Familiares del soldado colombiano Juan MArtínez, lloran durante su funeral, cerca del ataud con los restos mortales, junto a los cinco policías que murieron durante enfrentamientos con rebeldes marxistas (FARC), en la provincia de Arauca. BOG01:COLOMBIA-DEAD:BOGOTA.20FEB99 - Brothers of soldier Juan Martinez cry over the coffin during the burial February 20 of Martinez and four of his colleagues who died in fighting this week with Marxist rebels in the oil-rich northeast province of Arauca. The army says 12 of its men died while 61 rebels were killed. The rebels. however, say they did not suffer serious casualties and killed more than 40 government soldiers. kp/Photo by Carlos Linares REUTERSCarlos Linares (Reuters)Una guerrillera de las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) sonríe a un compañero mientras montan vigilancia en la plaza principal de San Viente del Caguán, donde tienen lugar las conversaciones guerrilla-Gobierno A rebel of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia smiles to a comrade as they guard the main square in San Vicente del Caguan. 185 miles ( 300 kms ) south of Bogota. Thursday, Jan. 7, 1999. Colombia's President Andres Pastrana and Manuel Marulanda, the founder and top leader of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, will inaugurate peace talks aimed at ending a three-decade of civil war in San Vicente. The meeting has raised hopes for an end to fighting that has raged since the 1960s, claiming thousands of lives each year. (AP Photo/)Ricardo Mazalan (AP)Una mujer llora desconsolada en el cementerio de La Hormiga, durante el entierro de su hermano muerto por ultraderechistas paramilitares junto a otras decenas de personas. BOG01:COLOMBIA-PARAMILITARY:EL TIGRE.COLOMBIA.12JAN99 - A woman cries in the cemetery of La Hormiga, January 11, during the funeral of her brother who was killed in an attack by an ultra-right death squad in which 26 people died. A four-day paramilitary offensive against suspected Marxist guerrilla sympathizers has left at least 130 people dead across the country. jmg/Photo by Carlos H. Lozano-El Espectador REUTERSCarlos H. Lozano (Reuters)Familiares de Consuelo Araújo junto al ataúd durante el entierro, en Valledupar (Colombia). Araújo había sido secuestrada por las FARC. Family members of Consuelo Araujo pay their respects at her funeral service in Valledupar, in northern Colombia, Monday, Oct. 1, 2001. Colombia's peace process was rocked by the killing of Araujo, a beloved folk music promoter and former culture minister, days after she was kidnapped by rebels of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Government troops found Araujo's body late Saturday in a ravine in the Sierra Nevada mountains outside Valledupar. (AP Photo/Scott Dalton)Scott Dalton (AP)María Emma Mejía, izda, ex ministra de Exteriores de Colombia y ahora representante del Gobierno en las conversaciones de paz, habla con el representante de la guerrilla, Joaquín Gómez en La Machaga, donde las delegaciones del Gobierno y de las FARC (Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia) mantienen conversaciones de paz. MAC01 - 19990421 - LA MACHACA. COLOMBIA : Former Colombian Foreign Minister and government peace delegate Maria Emma Mejia (L) speaks with guerrilla representative Joaquin Gomez in La Machaca. 450kms (279 miles) southeast of Bogota, 21 April, 1999. Guerrilla delegates from the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colomba (FARC) met for a second day with government representatives despite a FARC announcement that it will not resume peace talks until the government of President Andres Pastrana addresses the issue of paramilitary troops.(ELECTRONIC IMAGE) EDRO UGARTE (AFP)Un grupo de madres de soldados capturados por el grupo guerrillero Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias Colombianas, durante una manifestación en Bogotá. BOGO1:I:13/01/97:BOGOTA>A group of mothers of soldiers captured 30 August 1996 by the Colombian Revolutionary Armed Forces guerrilla group. demonstrate in downtown Bogota with portraits of their loved ones 13 January. to press the government to rescue them. (md/oc)MEREDITH DAVENPOR (AFP)