Luis García, albañil de 79 años, posa en la entrada de su vivienda que construyó en Jojutla de Juárez, México. En la vivienda hay un letrero que dice "HA", que significa habitable. "Ninguna casa que construí fue dañada por el terremoto", dijo García.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)María Guzman, de 70 años y ama de casa, posa con su foto de boda en los escombros de su vivienda después del terremoto en San José Platanar. La vivienda resultó gravemente dañada, pero con la ayuda de la familia pudo rescatar algunos muebles. Ella vive en un refugio y espera que su casa sea reconstruida. "Lo más valioso que recuperé fue la foto de mi día de la boda", dijo Guzmán.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Jaime Delgado, de 21 años y agricultor, posa sobre los escombros de una zona donde ayudó a rescatar a personas, después del terremoto en Jojutla de Juárez, México. Su casa no estaba dañada. "Una mujer murió aquí, aplastada por los escombros. Todo esto terminó, ahora busco piezas de hierro para vender. Mi situación económica es mala", dijo Delgado.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Miguel Nájera, un agricultor de 50 años, posa junto a los restos de su vivienda destruida por el terremoto en San José Platanar. Su vivienda quedó gravemente dañada pero con la ayuda de su familia pudo rescatar algunos muebles. Ahora está viviendo en otra habitación de su casa y espera reparar los daños causados lo antes posible. "Espero que, junto con mi familia, podamos avanzar, tengo hermanos en Estados Unidos y espero que puedan ayudarme", dijo Nájera.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Juan Sanchez, 53, a parishioner and a church guard, poses for a portrait in front San Juan Bautista church after an earthquake in San Juan Pilcaya, at the epicentre zone, Mexico, September 28, 2017. His house wasn't damaged so he has offered shelter to some families in his backyard. "We are holding mass under a tent. It is a great sadness, we are waiting for the government's help to rebuild our church," Sanchez said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Ventura Sanchez, 63, housewife, poses for a portrait on the rubble of her house after an earthquake in La Nopalera, Mexico, September 27, 2017. The house was badly damaged but with the help of her family Ventura rescued some furniture. She is living in her backyard and hopes for her house to be rebuilt. "I hope the authorities do not deceive us with promises. I am very sad," she said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Maria Trinidad Gonzalez, 41, a housewife, holds some cookware as she poses for a portrait on the rubble of her house after an earthquake in Tepalcingo, Mexico, September 29, 2017. The house was badly damaged, but with the help of her family and soldiers Gonzalez rescued some furniture. She lives in her backyard and hopes to return home once it's rebuilt. "The most valuable thing that I recovered was my cookware," Gonzalez said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Veronica Dircio, 34, a housewife, poses for a portrait with her sons in front of a tent in a neighbour's backyard after an earthquake in San Juan Pilcaya, at the epicentre zone, Mexico, September 28, 2017. Dircio's house was badly damaged. "We stayed on the street. We expect the demolition of our house and the help of the authorities," she said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Prudencio Gutierrez, 66, a farm worker, poses for a portrait in front of his house after an earthquake in San Francisco Xochiteopan, Mexico, September 27, 2017. Gutierrez's house was badly damaged, but he was able to rescue his bed and some clothing. "The most valuable thing that I recovered was my hat," he said. "The authorities said they were going to help us build a house, but I do not know if it's true." REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Tomasa Mozo, 69, a housewife, looks up at the roof as she poses for a portrait inside the ruins of her house after an earthquake in San Jose Platanar, at the epicentre zone, Mexico, September 28, 2017. The house was badly damaged but with the help of her family Mozo rescued some furniture. She lives in another room of her house and hopes to repair the damage as soon as possible. "I'm afraid to go out, I can not sleep," Mozo said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Elena Zapata, 69, a housewife, poses for a portrait with her granddaughter Mariana, 3, inside the ruins of her house after an earthquake in Tepalcingo, Mexico, September 29, 2017. The house was badly damaged but with the help of her family and soldiers Zapata rescued some furniture. She lives in her backyard and hopes to return when the damage is repaired. "The most valuable that I have is the life of my granddaughter. We hope the authorities come to visit us. I feel anguish, I hear noises, I just want to cry," Zapata said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Ana Maria Hernandez, 37, a clothing salesperson, poses for a portrait outside her house as it is demolished after an earthquake in Jojutla de Juarez, Mexico, September 30, 2017. Her house was badly damaged. Hernandez is living with relatives and hopes to return home once it is rebuilt. "I lost everything. My aunt died here," she said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Cenobia Riquelme, 76, a housewife who suffers from Alzheimer's, poses for a portrait next to her house after an earthquake in Jojutla de Juarez, Mexico, September 29, 2017. Riquelme's house was very badly damaged and her husband was killed. She and her husband were crushed by the rubble. Her husband could not be rescued, but Cenobia was rescued by a soldier. She is living in the backyard and could return to home once it's rebuilt. Her son Sebastian (not pictured) said: "My mother searches for my father to make his lunch. This is all very sad and I am worried." REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Luis Medina, 36, a farm worker, Maria Teresa Espinoza, 35, housewife, and Maria de Jesus Medina, 9, pose for a portrait inside their house which was badly damaged after an earthquake in San Jose Platanar, at the epicentre zone, Mexico, September 28, 2017. They were able to rescue some furniture and are waiting for their home to be demolished. They are living in their backyard and hope for it to be rebuilt. "The most valuable thing that I recovered was the picture of the Virgin," Espinoza said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Maria Isabel Alvarado, 75, a housewife, poses for a portrait on a street outside her house after an earthquake in Jojutla de Juarez, Mexico, September 29, 2017. Her house suffered minor damage. "I wanted nothing to happen to my family and my colonial dining room," Alvarado said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Teresa Luna, 49, a seamstress, poses for a portrait with her dog Dokie, next to part of her house which was badly damaged after an earthquake in Chietla, Mexico, September 28, 2017. With the help of her family Luna was able to rescue some furniture. "The most valuable thing that I recovered was my dog," Luna said. She is living in her backyard and hopes to return when the damage is repaired. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES. TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)Catalina Martinez, 78, a housewife, poses for a portrait in the doorway of her house after an earthquake in San Jose Platanar, at the epicentre zone, Mexico, September 28, 2017. The house was badly damaged, but with the help of her family Martinez was able to rescue some furniture. She is living in her backyard and hopes that her home can be rebuilt. "I hope the authorities do not deceive us with promises. I do not know what's going to happen to us," Martinez said. REUTERS/Edgard Garrido SEARCH "GARRIDO PORTRAIT" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.EDGARD GARRIDO (REUTERS)