Una barca irlandesa, tres naves de la Guardia Costera y dos unidades de la Marina Militar italiana han ayudado a los supervivientes y están recuperando los cuerpos de los fallecidos
La Guardia Costera italiana traslada a algunos de los 381 inmigrantes que han sido rescatados cerca de Libia tras hundirse la barcaza en la que trataban de cruzar el canal de Sicilia.MARINA MILITARE (AFP)Italian Navy RHIBs (rigid hulled inflatable boats) from the ship Francesco Mimbelli approach a rubber dinghy carrying migrants during a rescue operation off the coast of Libya August 6, 2015. More than 200 migrants are feared to have drowned in the latest Mediterranean boat tragedy after rescuers saved over 370 people from a capsized boat thought to be carrying 600, the Italian coast guard indicated on Thursday. REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi MALTA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN MALTADARRIN ZAMMIT LUPI (REUTERS)Crew members on the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) ship MV Phoenix keep a look out while patrolling the area where a boat capsized on Wednesday, off the coast of Libya August 6, 2015. More than 200 migrants are feared to have drowned in the latest Mediterranean boat tragedy after rescuers saved over 370 people from a capsized boat thought to be carrying 600, the Italian coast guard indicated on Thursday. The Phoenix, manned by personnel from international non-governmental organisations Medecins san Frontiere (MSF) and MOAS, is the first privately funded vessel to operate in the Mediterranean. REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi MALTA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN MALTADARRIN ZAMMIT LUPI (REUTERS)An Italian Navy RHIB (rigid hulled inflatable boat) from the ship Francesco Mimbelli approaches a rubber dinghy carrying migrants during a rescue operation off the coast of Libya August 6, 2015. More than 200 migrants are feared to have drowned in the latest Mediterranean boat tragedy after rescuers saved over 370 people from a capsized boat thought to be carrying 600, the Italian coast guard indicated on Thursday. REUTERS/Darrin Zammit Lupi MALTA OUT. NO COMMERCIAL OR EDITORIAL SALES IN MALTADARRIN ZAMMIT LUPI (REUTERS)