MADRID, SPAIN - JUNE 05: A group of students in front of the doors of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University (UCM), on June 5, 2023, in Madrid, Spain. A total of 38,258 students are taking, from today until Thursday, June 8, the University Access Assessment (EvAU) 2023 on the campuses of the six Madrid universities in the single district of Madrid. The results of the exams will be announced on June 15, 2023. Specifically, at the UCM, 12,647 students will take the exams. The rest will be distributed among the Autonoma (9,729), Carlos III (5,376), Alcala (5,058), Rey Juan Carlos (3,978) and the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (1,463). In order to avoid overcrowding, only students of the science modality (6,286 at Complutense) will take the exams today and tomorrow, June 6, students of the other modalities, arts, humanities and social sciences (5,139 at UCM) will take the exams. (Photo By A. Perez Meca/Europa Press via Getty Images)
MADRID, SPAIN - JUNE 05: A group of students in front of the doors of the Faculty of Pharmacy of the Complutense University (UCM), on June 5, 2023, in Madrid, Spain. A total of 38,258 students are taking, from today until Thursday, June 8, the University Access Assessment (EvAU) 2023 on the campuses of the six Madrid universities in the single district of Madrid. The results of the exams will be announced on June 15, 2023. Specifically, at the UCM, 12,647 students will take the exams. The rest will be distributed among the Autonoma (9,729), Carlos III (5,376), Alcala (5,058), Rey Juan Carlos (3,978) and the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (1,463). In order to avoid overcrowding, only students of the science modality (6,286 at Complutense) will take the exams today and tomorrow, June 6, students of the other modalities, arts, humanities and social sciences (5,139 at UCM) will take the exams. (Photo By A. Perez Meca/Europa Press via Getty Images)Foto: A. Perez Meca (Europa Press)

¿Te llega la Selectividad para estudiar lo que quieres? Consulta el buscador de notas de corte

Esta semana empiezan a publicarse las notas de las pruebas de acceso a la universidad.

¿Y si no están de acuerdo con la calificación? Pueden solicitar una revisión. Ojo: la nota puede subir, pero también bajar.

Las carreras con nota de corte más alta en el curso pasado:

1. Matemáticas y Física en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid: 13,725.

2. Matemáticas e Ingeniería Informática en la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia: 13,635.

3. Fisioterapia y Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte en la Universidad de Sevilla: 13,6.

4. Medicina en la Universidad de Valencia: 13,543

©Foto: A. Perez Meca (Europa Press)

Aquí puedes consultar todas las notas de la anterior convocatoria, para orientarte.