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New Delhi (India), 04/06/2024.- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) arrives at the party headquarters to deliver a victory speech, in New Delhi, India, 04 June 2024. Modi addressed the crowd to claim victory in the 2024 India elections which started on 19 April. According to preliminary polls, Modi could retain the position of prime minister along with the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP). The Lok Sabha elections were held for 545 lower house seats, and a party or alliance needs 272 seats to form a government. (Elecciones, Nueva Delhi) EFE/EPA/RAJAT GUPTA
New Delhi (India), 04/06/2024.- Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi (C) arrives at the party headquarters to deliver a victory speech, in New Delhi, India, 04 June 2024. Modi addressed the crowd to claim victory in the 2024 India elections which started on 19 April. According to preliminary polls, Modi could retain the position of prime minister along with the Bharatiya Janata party (BJP). The Lok Sabha elections were held for 545 lower house seats, and a party or alliance needs 272 seats to form a government. (Elecciones, Nueva Delhi) EFE/EPA/RAJAT GUPTA RAJAT GUPTA (EFE)

Modi revalida su mandato en la India tras las elecciones más largas del mundo

Narendra Modi ha ganado las elecciones de la India con su coalición Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP, Partido Popular Indio), aunque con una victoria más ajustada de lo esperado.

¿Qué se vota? Los 543 escaños de la Cámara baja del Parlamento indio.

Las elecciones más largas del planeta... Los comicios se han extendido durante 44 días. Comenzaron el 19 de abril y terminaron este sábado, 1 de junio.

…y marcadas por las altas temperaturas. En algunos puntos del país se han superado los 50 grados. Además, una decena de funcionarios electorales han muerto por insolaciones.

©Foto: Rajat Gupta (EFE)

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