Al Gore speaks during the UN Climate Change Conference COP28, in Dubai
Dubai (United Arab Emirates), 03/12/2023.- Al Gore, Former Vice President of the United States and Chairman and Co-Founder of Generation Investment Management, speaks during the UN Climate Change Conference COP28, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 03 December 2023. The 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28), runs from 30 November to 12 December, and is expected to host one of the largest number of participants in the annual global climate conference as over 70,000 estimated attendees, including the member states of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), business leaders, young people, climate scientists, Indigenous Peoples and other relevant stakeholders will attend. (Emiratos Árabes Unidos, Estados Unidos) EFE/EPA/MARTIN DIVISEK MARTIN DIVISEK (EFE)
Emergencia climática

Al Gore nos habla de ecopostureo, cumbres del clima en petroestados y la extrema derecha

Al Gore lleva dos décadas en la primera línea de la lucha contra el cambio climático. En una entrevista con EL PAÍS, el vicepresidente de Bill Clinton y premio Nobel de la Paz señala al sector de los combustibles fósiles como el principal responsable de la crisis climática.

El avance de la extrema derecha

Las cumbres del clima

El ecopostureo

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