PYONGYANG, NORTH KOREA - AUGUST 24: Apartment blocks are pictured from the viewing platform of the Juche Tower on August 24, 2018 in Pyongyang, North Korea. Despite ongoing international negotiations aimed at easing tensions on the Korean peninsula, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea remains the most isolated and secretive nation on earth. Since it's formation in 1948 the country has been led by the Kim dynasty, a three-generation lineage of North Korean leadership descended from the country's first leader, Kim Il-sung followed by Kim Jong-il and grandson and current leader, Kim Jong-un. Although major hostilities ceased with the signing of the Armistice in 1953, the two Koreas have remained technically at war and the demilitarised zone along the border continues to be the most fortified border in the world. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)
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