Twiggy, the water-skiing squirrel, performs outside U.S. Bank Stadium as part of X Fest in Minneapolis, Thursday, July 19, 2018. The squirrel, the 7th in a line of Twiggies going back to the late 1970s, is on a farewell tour due to the retirement of its owner, Lou Ann Best. She started performing with water-skiing squirrels with her husband, Chuck Best, who died in a downing accident in 1997. Lou Ann spends a substantial part of her performance educating spectators about water safety. (Aaron Lavinsky/Star Tribune via AP)
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Las mejores fotos de animales de julio 2018

Una ardilla haciendo esquí acuático, un perro animando a Colombia durante el Mundial de Rusia... Te mostramos una selección de imágenes donde el reino animal ha sido el protagonista del último mes

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