VELHORST, LOCHEM, GELDERLAND, NETHERLANDS - 2024/10/20: A group of Amanita muscaria or Fly Agaric mushrooms is seen growing on the ground. It's autumn, meaning there are mushrooms in forests and national parks across the Netherlands. There are around 5,250 species of mushrooms in the Netherlands. Many of these are under serious threat and some 200 species have become extinct in the Netherlands over recent decades. It's the perfect season to take pictures of nature and enjoy mushroom hunting. (Photo by Ana Fernandez/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)
VELHORST, LOCHEM, GELDERLAND, NETHERLANDS - 2024/10/20: A group of Amanita muscaria or Fly Agaric mushrooms is seen growing on the ground. It's autumn, meaning there are mushrooms in forests and national parks across the Netherlands. There are around 5,250 species of mushrooms in the Netherlands. Many of these are under serious threat and some 200 species have become extinct in the Netherlands over recent decades. It's the perfect season to take pictures of nature and enjoy mushroom hunting. (Photo by Ana Fernandez/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images)Foto: Ana Fernandez (SOPA Images/LightRocket via Gett)

Qué pasa con las gominolas alucinógenas que han hecho saltar las alertas sanitarias de Europa y EE UU

Desde el verano, Estados Unidos investiga un gran brote de intoxicaciones por el consumo de gominolas con muscimol, un potente alucinógeno que se extrae de una seta (la Amanita muscaria). Se han detectado 175 intoxicaciones, con 70 hospitalizaciones y tres muertos.

Y han saltado las alertas sanitarias también en Europa…

¿Por qué es importante? El consumo de esta sustancia alucinógena supone un riesgo para la salud y no ha sido autorizado por la Agencia Europea de Seguridad Alimentaria.

© Foto: Ana Fernández (Getty Images)

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