A patient suffering from Tuberculosis , admitted  at Government Tuberculosis Hospital , in Allahabad on November 6, 2019 . India continued at the top of the list of patients with tuberculosis, according to a report released by the World Health Organisation on October 17, 2019. It also had the most number of drug-resistant TB cases. According to the report, 26,90,000 people fell will with TB in India, out of which 19,90,000 were notified. The rest were not notified or diagnosed. The report noted India bettering its notification rate and credited the country for improving global notification rates.   (Photo by Ritesh Shukla ) (Photo by Ritesh Shukla/NurPhoto via Getty Images)
A patient suffering from Tuberculosis , admitted at Government Tuberculosis Hospital , in Allahabad on November 6, 2019 . India continued at the top of the list of patients with tuberculosis, according to a report released by the World Health Organisation on October 17, 2019. It also had the most number of drug-resistant TB cases. According to the report, 26,90,000 people fell will with TB in India, out of which 19,90,000 were notified. The rest were not notified or diagnosed. The report noted India bettering its notification rate and credited the country for improving global notification rates. (Photo by Ritesh Shukla ) (Photo by Ritesh Shukla/NurPhoto via Getty Images)foto: NurPhot (Getty Images)

La tuberculosis vuelve a ser la enfermedad infecciosa que más muertes causa en el mundo (aunque de forma muy desigual)

La tuberculosis volvió a ser en 2023 la enfermedad infecciosa que más muertes ha causado en el mundo, aunque ha registrado un leve descenso de los fallecidos respecto al año anterior.

Los objetivos siguen estando muy lejos:

¿Qué es la tuberculosis? Es la pandemia más antigua que aflige a la humanidad y que más muertes ha provocado. El Fondo Mundial para el VIH, la malaria y la tuberculosis la denomina “la pandemia de los pobres”, porque prospera en los campos de refugiados.

Por eso afecta de forma desigual. Tan solo cinco países del mundo han concentrado el 56% de los casos de esta enfermedad en 2023: India (26%), Indonesia (10%), China (6,8%), Filipinas (6,8%) y Pakistán (6,3%).

© Foto: NurPhoto (Getty Images)

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