MADRID, SPAIN - MAY 06: The former Minister of Transport Jose Luis Abalos (i) on his arrival to appear during the Commission of Inquiry on public contracts made during the pandemic of covid-19, in the Senate, on May 6, 2024, in Madrid, Spain. The former Minister of Transport arrives today to the upper chamber to determine whether or not he had knowledge of the alleged corruption in the purchase of masks by Koldo Garcia. (Photo By Alejandro Martinez Velez/Europa Press via Getty Images)
MADRID, SPAIN - MAY 06: The former Minister of Transport Jose Luis Abalos (i) on his arrival to appear during the Commission of Inquiry on public contracts made during the pandemic of covid-19, in the Senate, on May 6, 2024, in Madrid, Spain. The former Minister of Transport arrives today to the upper chamber to determine whether or not he had knowledge of the alleged corruption in the purchase of masks by Koldo Garcia. (Photo By Alejandro Martinez Velez/Europa Press via Getty Images)Foto: Alejandro Martinez Velez (Europa Press/Getty)

El juez pide al Supremo que investigue como imputado a Ábalos por el ‘caso Koldo’: ¿qué puede pasar?

El juez del caso Koldo ha pedido que se investigue a José Luis Ábalos por su “papel principal” en la trama de corrupción.

Un poco de contexto:

¿Y qué puede pasar? Es la Sala de lo Penal del Supremo que decide si investigar o no al exministro. En el caso de que acuerde abrir una causa, el tribunal tendrá que nombrar a un nuevo juez instructor que, previsiblemente, citaría a Ábalos a declarar como investigado.

Mientras, Sánchez defiende que no echó a Ábalos por sospechas de corrupción… Preguntado por el tema tras darse a conocer la petición de imputación del exministro, el presidente del Gobierno ha defendido que le cesó por el desgaste tras la pandemia.

© Foto: Alejandro Martinez Velez (EFE)

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