Wilmington (United States), 11/06/2024.- Hunter Biden (C) holds hands with First Lady Jill Biden (L) and wife Melissa Cohen Biden (R), as he departs his federal gun trial after a jury found him guilty of three gun charges at the US Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 10 June 2024. Hunter Biden is the first child of a sitting president to be convicted in a federal court. EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO
Wilmington (United States), 11/06/2024.- Hunter Biden (C) holds hands with First Lady Jill Biden (L) and wife Melissa Cohen Biden (R), as he departs his federal gun trial after a jury found him guilty of three gun charges at the US Federal District Court in Wilmington, Delaware, USA, 10 June 2024. Hunter Biden is the first child of a sitting president to be convicted in a federal court. EFE/EPA/JIM LO SCALZO JIM LO SCALZO (EFE)

Qué consecuencias tiene la condena del hijo de Biden para la campaña presidencial

El jurado popular ha declarado a Hunter Biden, hijo del presidente de Estados Unidos Joe Biden, culpable de tres delitos por la compra y posesión ilegal de un revólver.

¿Por qué es importante?

Una campaña judicial. La condena a Hunter Biden llega dos semanas después de que Donald Trump fuera declarado culpable por comprar, con dinero de su campaña electoral, el silencio de una actriz porno con la que mantuvo una relación.

©Foto: Jim Lo Scalzo (EFE)

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