El 23 de abril comienzan las elecciones presidenciales de Francia. El fotógrafo Stephane Mahe recorre las calles de Chartres para preguntar a los ciudadanos su principal elección
Francois Dore, 83, retired, holds a blackboard with the word "sante" (health), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "I have a toothache, and I couldn't find a dentist." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Jean-Luc Pfister, 57, a social worker, holds a blackboard with the word "solidarite" (solidarity), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "We need more of that. The gap between the superrich and the rest of us is far too wide." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Nathalie Harlingue, 41, a school teacher, holds a blackboard with the word "education", the most important election issue for her, as she poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Marie-Laure Mathonnat, 54, a public sector worker, holds a blackboard with the word "ecologie" (ecology), the most important election issue for her, as she poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. She said: "I have always voted, but this time, really, I don't think I'll go. I'm fed up with politics. I don't believe in it anymore." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Kevin Ndongala, 22, a student, holds a blackboard with the word "social", the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "I hear many candidates saying we have too many public sector workers in France, but that's not true. We need them all." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Stephane Dominois, 46, holds a blackboard with the word "logement" (housing), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "Everybody has the right to live, but when it comes to housing, French people must have priority." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Jean-Claude P, 68, retired, holds a blackboard with the word "paix" (peace), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "I dream of a politician that would give us work and peace. Peace in the world, that's the most important thing." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Cathy Dos Santos, 21, unemployed, holds a blackboard with the word "honnetete" (honesty), the most important election issue for her, as she poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. She said: "Being honest means voting according to your own feelings and not letting others tell you what you should do." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Malika Etchekopar-Etchart, 38, unemployed, holds a blackboard with the word "chomage" (unemployment), the most important election issue for her, as she poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. She said: "It's more and more difficult to find a job. A few years back, it was a lot easier." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Mehdi Belhabassi, 21, a shop assistant, holds a blackboard with the word "unite" (unity), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "It's important for us to live together in peace and respect each other. No matter where we come from, we're all French and we're all equal." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Christophe Rouze, 58, an actor, holds a blackboard with the word "integrite" (integrity), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "Politicians ask us to trust them, but we feel like the fall guys in a big farce." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Nathalie Reperant, 45, an insurance company employee, holds a blackboard with the word "chomage" (unemployment), the most important election issue for her, as she poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. She said: "Without a job and money, you're on your way to hell." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Nicolas Leroy, 29, a commercial employee, holds a blackboard with the phrase "baisse du chomage" (lowering unemployment), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "The most important thing in our society is jobs. If you have one, you're alright. If you don't, you're in deep trouble." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Jean-Louis Lachevre, 66, holds a blackboard with the word "integrite" (integrity), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "Our politicians are more or less the same. There aren't many with clean hands." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Jean-Louis Granjon, 63, retired, holds a blackboard with the word "integrite" (integrity), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Julien Ambrosio, 27, a salesman, holds a blackboard with the word "confiance" (trust), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "We must be able to trust our politicians, but that's more and more difficult with what's going on at the moment." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Francoise Fichet, 69, retired, holds a blackboard with the word "chomage" (unemployment), the most important election issue for her, as she poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. She said: "I don't hear anything extraordinary from our politicians even if some of their proposals do make sense." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Marie-Francoise Lagente, 77, retired, holds a blackboard with the word "integration", the most important election issue for her, as she poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. She said: "There are some factors that mean you will always be a foreigner if you leave your country. I love to travel, but I don't believe we can accept everybody coming to our country." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Maurice Beauzac, 86, retired, holds a blackboard with the word "integrite" (integrity), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "When a politician tells you he's honest, you'd like to believe him, but you can't judge a book by its cover." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Bruno Sauvage, 52, unemployed, holds a blackboard with the word "corruption", the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "Politicians give us lessons, but they'd better look at themselves in a mirror." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Richard Martinez, 40, holds a blackboard with the word "emploi" (employment), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "The social climate is getting more and more difficult, even in developed countries in the western world." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Bruno Grausem, 44, a sales representative, holds a blackboard with the phrase "pouvoir d'achat" (purchasing power), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "I would love for people to be able to buy something from me without having to ask me a thousand questions." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)Jacques Gioanetti, 68, retired, holds a blackboard with the word "honnetete" (honesty), the most important election issue for him, as he poses for Reuters in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. He said: "In politics today, it's one for all, all rotten. Promises are made but never kept." REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIESSTEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)A person sticks to a board a note showing the election issue that is most important to them, in Chartres, France February 1, 2017. REUTERS/Stephane Mahe SEARCH "ELECTION CHARTRES" FOR THIS STORY. SEARCH "THE WIDER IMAGE" FOR ALL STORIES.STEPHANE MAHE (REUTERS)