13 fotosLa fotografía, el mejor aliado de la naturalezaEn poco más de 40 años, se ha perdido el 60 por ciento de especies animales. Una nueva edición de la muestra Wildlife Photographer of the Year nos recuerda a través de 100 imágenes que está en nuestra mano acabar con este problema. 12 nov 2018 - 08:28CETCompartir en WhatsappCompartir en FacebookCompartir en TwitterCompartir en BlueskyCompartir en LinkedinCopiar enlace© Wayne Jones - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'© Ricardo Núñez Montero - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'.© Paul Mckenzie - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'Tony Wu - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year''Wildlife Photographer of the Year'.Valter Bernadeschi© Isak Pretorius - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'Sue Forbes - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'© Emily Garthwaite - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'© Emanuele Biggi - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'© Adam Hakim Hogg - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'.© Adrian Bliss - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'© Greg Lecoeur - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'© Greg Lecoeur - 'Wildlife Photographer of the Year'