MADRID, SPAIN - MARCH 17: A person affected by ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) on his way out after registering the petition to unblock the processing of the ALS Act, in the Congress of Deputies, on 17 March, 2023 in Madrid, Spain. The ELA Law was taken into consideration more than a year ago, but has accumulated 41 extensions. It is a non-partisan initiative and comes from the entities of people with ALS. In Spain there are about 4,000 people affected and three new cases are detected every day. The processing of the ALS law, approved on March 8, 2022 by the Government with the support of all the parliamentary groups, is based on four main pillars: the recognition of a 33% degree of disability from the diagnosis of the pathology, preferential care for patients to have specialized technical and human resources, the possibility of benefiting from the electric social bond in advanced cases in which the use of mechanical ventilation is necessary, and the home service that guarantees access to physiotherapeutic and specialized care 24 hours a day. (Photo By Carlos Lujan/Europa Press via Getty Images)
MADRID, SPAIN - MARCH 17: A person affected by ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) on his way out after registering the petition to unblock the processing of the ALS Act, in the Congress of Deputies, on 17 March, 2023 in Madrid, Spain. The ELA Law was taken into consideration more than a year ago, but has accumulated 41 extensions. It is a non-partisan initiative and comes from the entities of people with ALS. In Spain there are about 4,000 people affected and three new cases are detected every day. The processing of the ALS law, approved on March 8, 2022 by the Government with the support of all the parliamentary groups, is based on four main pillars: the recognition of a 33% degree of disability from the diagnosis of the pathology, preferential care for patients to have specialized technical and human resources, the possibility of benefiting from the electric social bond in advanced cases in which the use of mechanical ventilation is necessary, and the home service that guarantees access to physiotherapeutic and specialized care 24 hours a day. (Photo By Carlos Lujan/Europa Press via Getty Images)FOTO: CARLOS LUJÁN (Europa Press via Getty Images)

Claves de la nueva ley de la ELA: asistencia 24 horas para los enfermos y protección económica a los cuidadores

PP, PSOE, Sumar y Junts han pactado ya los detalles de la nueva ley de la ELA. Ya tienen el texto para impulsar la ley que debe mejorar la vida de quienes sufren enfermedades neurodegenerativas graves, y solo queda que el Congreso de luz verde (previsiblemente, en octubre).

¿Qué es el ELA? Una enfermedad que mata poco a poco las neuronas motoras del cerebro y la médula espinal, provocando que los pacientes queden totalmente inmóviles, pero siendo plenamente conscientes de su deterioro.

¿Qué soluciona la nueva ley?

© Foto: Carlos Lujan (Europa Press via Getty Images)

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