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Un ataque desde Líbano contra los Altos del Golán ocupados por Israel mata a más de 10 personas

Majdal Shams (--), 27/07/2024.- Emergency service and locals attend the injured at the site where a projectile hit a playground in Druze, Majdal Shams, in the annexed Golan Heights, 27 July 2024. According to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), a rocket launched from Lebanon toward Majdal Shams caused multiple civilian casualties, including children. Approximately 30 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon, the IDF said. (Líbano) EFE/EPA/ATEF SAFADI
Majdal Shams (--), 27/07/2024.- Emergency service and locals attend the injured at the site where a projectile hit a playground in Druze, Majdal Shams, in the annexed Golan Heights, 27 July 2024. According to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), a rocket launched from Lebanon toward Majdal Shams caused multiple civilian casualties, including children. Approximately 30 projectiles were identified crossing from Lebanon, the IDF said. (Líbano) EFE/EPA/ATEF SAFADI Foto: ATEF SAFADI (EFE)

Más de 10 personas, la mayoría niños y adolescentes que se encontraban en un campo de fútbol, han muerto este sábado en un ataque lanzado desde Líbano en los Altos del Golán sirios ocupados por Israel.

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©Foto: Atef Safadi (EFE)

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