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VITORIA-GASTEIZ, ALAVA BASQUE C, SPAIN - JUNE 20: The PNV candidate for lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, during the plenary session for the appointment of the lehendakari of the Basque Government, at the Basque Parliament, on 20 June, 2024 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country, Spain. Following the programmatic coalition agreement reached by the PNV and the PSE-EE, the jeltzale Imanol Pradales becomes lehendakari. The President of the Basque Parliament will communicate it to the King for his appointment, whose act will take place next June 22nd in the Casa de Juntas of Gernika after the publication of the Royal Decree in the Official State Gazette. (Photo By Carlos Gonzalez (Europa Press vía Getty Images)
VITORIA-GASTEIZ, ALAVA BASQUE C, SPAIN - JUNE 20: The PNV candidate for lehendakari, Imanol Pradales, during the plenary session for the appointment of the lehendakari of the Basque Government, at the Basque Parliament, on 20 June, 2024 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava, Basque Country, Spain. Following the programmatic coalition agreement reached by the PNV and the PSE-EE, the jeltzale Imanol Pradales becomes lehendakari. The President of the Basque Parliament will communicate it to the King for his appointment, whose act will take place next June 22nd in the Casa de Juntas of Gernika after the publication of the Royal Decree in the Official State Gazette. (Photo By Carlos Gonzalez (Europa Press vía Getty Images)Foto: Carlos Gonzalez (Europa Press vía Getty Images)

Cuál es el proyecto de Gobierno del lehendakari Imanol Pradales

El candidato del PNV a las elecciones en el País Vasco, Imanol Pradales, ha sido investido lehendakari con los votos a favor de 39 parlamentarios (de 75): 27 del PNV y 12 de los socialistas vascos (PSE-EE). La composición del Ejecutivo se revelará el sábado, tras la toma de posesión del cargo.

Pradales releva en el cargo a su compañero de partido, Íñigo Urkullu, lehendakari desde 2012.

La alianza con el PSOE. Es la tercera vez que estos dos partidos repiten como socios en el Ejecutivo desde 2016. El programa que han pactado incluye:

©Foto: Carlos González (Europa Press vía Getty Images)

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