Paris (France), 29/07/2018.- (L-R) Netherlands' Wout Poels, Great Britain's Christopher Froome, Britain's Luke Rowe, Poland's Michal Kwiatkowski, Britain's Geraint Thomas wearing the overall leader's yellow jersey, Spain's Jonathan Castroviejo and Colombia's Egan Bernal of Team Sky drink champagne during the 21st and final stage of the 105th edition of the Tour de France cycling race over 116km between Houilles and Paris, France, 29 July 2018. (España, Ciclismo, Polonia, Países Bajos; Holanda, Gran Bretaña, Francia) EFE/EPA/MARCO BERTORELLO / POOL
10 fotos

La última etapa del Tour de Francia 2018, en imágenes

Finaliza la ronda gala con el acostumbrado paseo por los Campos Elíseos

El País