Campeonato de kitesurf, Super Bowl, refugiados en Irak... Entre las mejores fotos de la jornada
TOPSHOT - People try to put out a forest fire in Bogota, in February 2, 2016. A yellow alert was declared Tuesday in Bogota due to the air pollution caused by a forest fire near the capital's downtown, where government buildings, schools and other entities were evacuated, authorities reported. AFP PHOTO/ Luis ACOSTA / AFP / LUIS ACOSTALUIS ACOSTA (AFP)TOPSHOT - Gendarmes walk through makeshift shacks during the evacuation of a Roma migrants' camp deemed insecure and unsanitary, on former railway tracks along Boulevard Ney in northern Paris, early on February 3, 2016. Hundreds were evacuated and the Paris prefecture said every family would be rehoused. AFP PHOTO / DOMINIQUE FAGET / AFP / DOMINIQUE FAGETDOMINIQUE FAGET (AFP)TOPSHOT - Bastia's Malian forward Lassana Coulibaly runs with the ball during the French L1 football match Monaco (ASM) vs Bastia (SCB) on February 2, 2016 at the Louis II Stadium in Monaco. AFP PHOTO / VALERY HACHE / AFP / VALERY HACHEVALERY HACHE (AFP)TOPSHOT - A road sign arning against pedestrians focusing on their smartphones is pictured on February 2, 2016 near the old town in Stockholm. / AFP / JONATHAN NACKSTRANDJONATHAN NACKSTRAND (AFP)BRA02. RÍO DE JANEIRO (BRASIL), 02/02/2016.- Varias personas participan en un ritual a Iemanja, diosa de las aguas, hoy, martes 2 de febrero de 2016, en Río de Janeiro (Brasil). El culto umbandista a Iemanjá, diosa del mar de reminiscencias africanas, llegó a América a través de los esclavos negros de la época colonial y se celebra cada 2 de febrero en coincidencia con la Virgen de la Candelaria. EFE/Antonio LacerdaAntonio Lacerda (EFE)Marie Clanton, of Franklin County, Mississippi, leads a cow to shelter during a sudden and heavy downpour at Mississippi Fairgrounds in Jackson, Miss., on Tuesday, Feb. 2, 2016, during the Mississippi 4H Southwest District Livestock and Dairy Show. (Joe Ellis /The Clarion-Ledger via AP) NO SALES; MANDATORY CREDIT Joe Ellis (AP)