Ada Colau, who is likely to become mayor of Barcelona, takes a walk in the Catalan capital on Monday with her partner. Colau is preparing to govern in a minority with the 11 Barcelona en Comú councilors voted in on Sunday.ALBERT GARCíAA meeting of the Federal Executive of the Socialist Party (PSOE) on Monday. The general secretary of the party, Pedro Sánchez, has said he will be starting a round of meetings with regional leaders and candidates to analyze the “new political scenario” and explore possible pacts in regions and municipalities where no candidate won an absolute majority.ALVARO GARCÍAA press conference held by Ciudadanos leader, Albert Rivera, on May 25. Rivera argues that his party will be the “key” both for diffusing the separatist drive of Catalan regional premier Artur Mas, as well as guaranteeing the “union” and “modernization” of Spain.Carlos RosilloPrime Minister Mariano Rajoy presides a meeting of the Popular Party’s National Executive Committee on Monday, to analyze the results of the elections. Rajoy stated on Monday that he would not be making changes in his government and that he plans on running once more in the general elections later this year.Kike ParaThe PP’s mayoral candidate, Esperanza Aguirre, waves as she leaves her home on Monday. Aguirre, who failed to win a majority in the municipa elections, said that even if she does not end up mayor she will continue to defend values she described as “liberal-conservatives.”Carlos RosilloAhora Madrid candidate for the mayoral race in Madrid, Manuela Carmena (c), pictured with the first 20 people on her electoral list – all of whom will become councilors as a result of Sunday’s poll. Carmena will have to pact with the Socialist Party (PSOE) if she is to become mayor of the Spanish capital.Bernardo Pérez