This NASA image obtained February 18, 2015 shows the snow-covered northeastern states as observed on Febraury 16, 2015, by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA�s Terra satellite. Cloud streets over the Atlantic Ocean in both images hint at the potent winds blowing across the East Coast from the Canadian interior. Following the blizzard, temperatures dropped as low as -30 degrees Fahrenheit (-34� Celsius) in parts of New England. Heavy snowfall and glacial temperatures shut down much of the central and eastern United States February 17, 2015 -- including the US government -- in a new bout of bad weather in this winter of bone-chilling discontent. News reports said four people died -- three in Tennessee and one in Kansas -- amid treacherous driving conditions overnight, with blowing snow hampering visibility and roads slippery from ice and slush. AFP PHOTO/NASA/JEFF SCHMALTZ = RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE / MANDATORY CREDIT: 'AFP PHOTO HANDOUT-NASA/JEFF SCHMALTZ'/ NO MARKETING - NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS/ � NO A LA CARTE SALES / DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS / =
12 fotos

Ola de frío en Estados Unidos

Ola de frío en Estados Unidos
