Relaciones bilaterales con EE UU

Cable sobre la reunión del vicesecretario de Estado de EE UU con Zapatero

EE UU es un gran país que a veces "crea grandes problemas", según Zapatero

Date:2005-04-06 11:34:00
Source:Embassy Madrid
Destination:This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.

C O N F I D E N T I A L SECTION 01 OF 05 MADRID 001317


E.O. 12958: DECL: 04/03/2015

Classified By: Charge d'Affaires Bob Manzanares; reasons 1.4 (b) and (d

XXXXXXXXXXXX =========================
23. (C) On bilateral relations, Zapatero said he would never
ask the USG to do something it could not do and, in turn, did
not want to be asked to do something he did not believe in.
Zapatero said he understood President Bush was upset with his
decision to withdraw Spanish forces from Iraq, but insisted
that he had maintained a consistent position on Iraq, made
clear this position in the election campaign, and said he had
followed his convictions and commitments in carrying out the
withdrawal. He said he was not bothered by Washington's
reaction; he could understand the President's perspective.

24. (C) Zapatero regretted not having engaged with the U.S.
prior to winning the 2004 election, but it wasn't because he
wasn't available. Zapatero complained that U.S. visitors to
Spain did not seek him out during his four years as
opposition leader. The lack of contact was ironic since, the
State Department had sponsored his 1990 participation in a
group of young leaders who traveled to the U.S. as
International Visitor grantees. Zapatero said this was a
good trip. He learned then and subsequently that the U.S.
was a great country with great successes, which sometimes
also "created great problems."

25. (C) Zapatero said he was aware that there would always be
some hesitation on the part of the USG regarding his
government, but also said he understood that "nothing is more
important than deeds." He pointed to Afghanistan as one
demonstration of Spain's commitment to support the United
States when our values coincide. Spain would remain in
Afghanistan as long as necessary to meet its commitment.
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