Calle Atocha, close to Antón Martín metro stationCalle Mayor in 1937 and the present dayThe famous Civil War slogan “They shall not pass” hanging from calle Toledo.Calle San Jerónimo, between the Puerta del Sol and the Congress buildingCorner of Calle Fuencarral and Gran Vía.The Communist Party parade on Calle Génova, close to what is today the central office of the Popular PartyGran Vía. A hit close to the Telefónica building, then the tallest in Madrid and a landmark for Franco’s gunnersGran Vía today and in 1937, running east.Swastikas on the Gran Vía. Franco supported Hitler until the war turned against Germany.Mortar attack creates havoc on Gran Vía, close to Calle Montera.Crater shell close to the Prado Museum.Horse and cart on calle Preciados, today a pedestrian shopping streetThe Communist Party showing its presence on the Puerta de Alcalá.Preparations for the defense of Madrid in the Puerta del Sol in 1936Republican soldiers give clenched fist salutes in the Puerta del Sol.