Cable sobre la amenaza de Al-Qaeda y la cooperación antiterrorista con EE UU
Octubre de 2007. Tras la visita de una delegación antiterrorista americana a Madrid, la Embajada analiza la actuación de España en 'la lucha contra el terror' y su coordinación con el resto de países
ID: | 126849 |
Date: | 2007-10-24 07:58:00 |
Origin: | 07MADRID2023 |
Source: | Embassy Madrid |
Classification: | SECRET//NOFORN |
Dunno: | 07MADRID1774 |
S E C R E T SECTION 01 OF 05 MADRID 002023 SIPDIS NOFORN SIPDIS FOR NSC, DHS, DOJ, NCTC, FBI, AND STATE (S/CT, EUR/WE) E.O. 12958: DECL: 10/23/2017 TAGS: PTER, PREL, PGOV, SP SUBJECT: SPAIN/CT: S/CT COORDINATOR DAILEY DISCUSSES AL-QAIDA THREAT AND ENCOURAGES FURTHER BILATERAL COOPERATION REF: MADRID 1774 MADRID 00002023 001.2 OF 005 Classified By: DCM HUGO LLORENS FOR REASONS 1.4 (B) AND (D) 1. (U) This is an action request. Please see paragraph 11. 2. (S/NF) SUMMARY. Counterterrorism Coordinator Ambassador Dell Dailey led an interagency delegation to Madrid on September 21 for meetings with Spanish security, law enforcement, diplomatic and intelligence officials to discuss the evolving threat from Al-Qaida to U.S. and European interests and to explore ways to strengthen our already excellent bilateral counterterrorism (CT) cooperation. Our Spanish counterparts expressed appreciation for the intelligence briefing provided by the NCTC representative and said that the threat from terrorism--specifically emanating from the Maghreb and Sahel regions of North Africa--represents the most important priority for the Spanish government. Spanish security and intelligence services have increased their focus on North Africa in recent years, and Deputy Interior Minister Camacho said he would like to explore ways to include the U.S. in joint efforts with Spain and its southern European allies aimed at stemming the terrorist threat from that region. At a roundtable with senior intelligence and security officials, our Spanish hosts emphasized the close cooperation with USG counterparts, but recognized that it was a challenge for Spanish services to break down their own internal stovepipes. The delegation also met with a small group of Spanish legislators to explain the RSI concept and the need for close international cooperation on CT issues. Ambassador Dailey acknowledged the important role of legislators in the fight against terrorism, and encouraged them to push for strong anti-terror legislation that punishes recruitment, financing and document forgery. Both sides agreed to continue a dialogue and sharing of best practices. They also agreed the Embassy will continue to serve as the liaison between Spanish CT officials and S/CT. The visit ended with a television interview given by Ambassador Dailey on the Spanish business and political cable channel Intereconomia, during which he stressed that bilateral CT cooperation was "very, very good." After discussions between Ambassador Dailey, the Washington-based interagency delegation, the Charge d'Affaires, and our interagency Embassy team, we believe there are areas for immediate follow up coming out of this visit to maintain the momentum on US-Spain bilateral CT cooperation (see paragraph 11). END SUMMARY. 3. (S/NF) Ambassador Dailey's visit to Madrid is part of a National Security Council strategy to brief key European partners on the significant and emerging threats to our mutual security interests and discuss ways to strengthen our cooperation to thwart these threats. The delegations are led by Ambassador Dailey and are also an important opportunity for him to explain his role and mission as coordinator for USG international CT policy, and propose areas for strengthened CT cooperation. The delegation included Michael Leiter, NCTC Principal Deputy Director; Marisa Lino, DHS Assistant Secretary for the Office of International Affairs; Arthur Cummings, FBI Deputy Assistant Director; Elizabeth Farr, NSC Office Director; Jessie Liu, DOJ Counsel to the Deputy Attorney General; and Marc Norman, S/CT Deputy Director. The delegation began the day with a briefing from the Embassy's Counterterrorism Working Group, where they heard that Spanish government officials at the highest level have made clear to us their desire to coordinate closely on CT, which they broadly view as a shared threat. However, bureaucratic obstacles still remain an impediment to improved cooperation, and Spanish inter-service rivalries probably will continue to hinder bilateral information sharing in the near future. //MEETING WITH SPANISH LEGISLATORS// 4. (U) Ambassador Dailey met with congressmen from Spain's leading parties, the PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party), and the PP (Popular Party), along with a member of the PNV MADRID 00002023 002.2 OF 005 (Basque Nationalist Party). He explained the purpose of his visit to Europe, emphasized our appreciation for existing bilateral cooperation, and expressed a desire to explore further ways to collaborate against terrorism. All three legislators stressed the importance of bilateral CT cooperation and pledged to do their part to encourage their colleagues to provide continued support. Ambassador Dailey explained the RSI concept and said that legislators were extremely important in the fight against terrorism. He encouraged them to push for strong anti-terror legislation that punishes recruitment, financing and document forgery. //INTERIOR MINISTRY SEES AREAS FOR COOPERATION ON NORTH AFRICAN THREAT// 5. (S/NF) Ambassador Dailey, accompanied by the Charge and DHS A/S Lino, paid an office call on Secretary of State for Security Antonio Camacho (Deputy Interior Minister equivalent). Camacho is a valued interlocutor and has told us before that whatever policy differences that might exist between us on other levels, the U.S. and Spain see eye-to-eye in the area of counterterrorism. He said his government's main CT concern was from Islamic extremism, despite the nearly 40-year battle the GOS has waged with the Basque terrorist group ETA. Camacho stressed his government's concern over the threat emanating from North Africa, specifically the Maghreb and Sahel regions, and described steps Spain has taken to work with Morocco and Algeria to improve their capabilities. Camacho said that in his view, Morocco "gets it," but that the Algerian government still has progress to make. Camacho also told Ambassador Daily about joint efforts Spain is undertaking with France and Italy to focus on the Southern Europe-North Africa corridor of terrorist movement, recruiting, and facilitating. Ambassador Dailey responded that the U.S. had expressed interest in the past in joining some of these efforts and was willing to serve as an observer or in any way we could be helpful. Camacho said emphatically that he was interested in the direct and active participation of the U.S. and would like to examine possibilities for cooperation in the months to come, focusing on the Sahel as an axis of terrorism, drug and human trafficking, and illegal immigration. Ambassador Dailey briefed Camacho on the U.S. Trans-Sahara Counterterrorism Partnership involving entities of DHS, State, Justice and DOD. 6. (S/NF) Camacho told Dailey that just days earlier he had signed with Ambassador Aguirre the information-sharing protocol covering terrorist lookout information as envisioned in Homeland Security Presidential Directive Six (HSPD-6). He said the HSPD-6 "Madrid Model" should be just that, a tool to be used by our countries and eventually with others as a model for tracking and stopping the flow of individuals with the intent to harm U.S. and Spanish interests. A/S Lino broached the subject of DHS/CBP officers possibly assisting Spanish airport authorities with document checks and other passenger monitoring. Camacho seemed open to the idea, and became even more interested when told that the U.S. had run similar successful programs in Japan and the UK. Ambassador Dailey ended the meeting by stressing the importance of sharing CT best practices through exchanges between the Embassy and the Spanish MFA, and extended on behalf of the Danish government an invitation to attend a conference on radicalization to be held later this year in Denmark. //SPAIN'S NCTC DISCUSSES THE CHALLENGE OF STOVEPIPES AND INFORMATION SHARING// 7. (S/NF) The interagency delegation, accompanied by Mission elements from POL, ORA, and Legatt, engaged in a substantive roundtable discussion with senior Spanish intelligence and security officials at Spain's NCTC equivalent, known as the CNCA. CNCA Director Eugenio Pereiro chaired the meeting and began the discussion by mentioning the importance of regular communication between NCTC and the CNCA. Spain's CNCA has been in existence for less then three years and was established in the wake of the Madrid train bombings on March MADRID 00002023 003.2 OF 005 11, 2004. Pereiro said Spain was well aware of its precarious position between North Africa and the European heartland and said it was therefore vital to combine resources with the U.S. and explore further avenues for bilateral cooperation. He quickly added that Spanish intelligence and law enforcement agencies had yet to break down their own internal stovepipes, and that would prove to be every bit as challenging as improving information-sharing with the U.S. 8. (S/NF) Pereiro fully understands the importance of interagency cooperation, and he assembled for the roundtable senior officials from Spain's National Police, Civil Guard, and National Intelligence Center--Spanish agencies who rarely meet among themselves. The U.S. delegation listened to all sides and then made a plea for more information sharing--especially early on in an investigation before a U.S. nexus has been established--and pledged that we would do what we could to ensure the same. The main conclusion from the meeting was that we would continue to use the Embassy as a focal point to drive closer cooperation and streamline information flows. //THE PERSPECTIVE FROM THE SPANISH MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS// 9. (S/NF) The Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs hosted the delegation at the Palacio de Santa Cruz, where Director General for Counterterrorism (A/S equivalent) Angel Lossada agreed with our assessment that Al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) is gaining strength in North Africa. He added however that although AQIM might be gaining in logistical strength and potential lethality, his ministry did not see any swelling of public or political support. He said there may be ways therefore of working with the Moroccan and Algerian governments to further isolate the terrorist group and drive a wedge between it and the local population. Lossada said that terrorist groups such as these can only offer "imaginary victories" through their terrorist acts and that it is up to western governments to counter this radicalization. A/S Lino raised U.S. concerns that the new EU draft framework agreement for data protection (specifically Articles 14 and 27) create new obstacles to improved information sharing, and solicited the Spanish government's views on the agreement. Lossada tasked his staff to review the articles and look into the matter further. Ambassador Dailey reviewed for Lossada the comments made earlier in the day by Deputy Interior Minister Camacho regarding a role for the U.S. to play with its Southern European allies and Lossada also agreed this was a good idea. Ambassador Dailey requested the Spanish provide a list of best practices on preventing Muslim radicalization. He said the U.S. was making the same request of several countries and plans to assemble the responses (without reference to which country provided them) and share them with nations concerned with the subject. 10. (S/NF) Talk on further U.S.-Spain cooperation on the terrorist threat from North Africa carried over to a working lunch hosted by the Charge, whose guest list included MFA DG Lossada and CNCA Director Pereiro, in addition to Joan Mesquida, Director of the Unified Command of the National Police and Civil Guard; Judge Javier Gomez-Bermudez, Presiding Magistrate over the trials of the March 11, 2004 bombings (currently in deliberations); Miguel Valverde, Chief of the Comisaria General de Informacion; and Susana Peri, Sub-Secretary for Justice. The lunch was thoughtful and reflective, and guests provided candid thoughts on ways that two countries with different government and judicial systems can better cooperate in countering the amorphous threat of Islamic radical terrorism. Mesquida reiterated Spain's commitment to effective CT cooperation with the U.S. Judge Gomez-Bermudez provided rather pointed observations that Al-Qaida cannot beat us if we have the patience to defeat it. However, he posited that AQ had more patience than we in the West, and that this will need to be a sustained global effort over many generations. He warned against a "trashing of our MADRID 00002023 004.2 OF 005 democratic system" in the fight against terrorism and said that if we allow this to happen, then "the terrorists have won." There was considerable discussion of Spain's counterterrorism laws, and the advantages they offered Spanish authorities (e.g. criminalizing membership in a terrorist organization even without any overt act of support). //THE ROAD AHEAD - AREAS FOR FOLLOW-UP// 11. (S/NF) The U.S. delegation's meetings with senior officials in Spain's security, law enforcement, diplomatic and intelligence services highlighted the current strength of our bilateral CT cooperation. However, as all of the interlocutors noted, there is always room for improvement. The Spanish would certainly welcome any additional intelligence and law enforcement information on specific security threats to the Iberian Peninsula. Ambassador Dailey emphasized to his Spanish interlocutors the importance of ensuring that all future cooperation efforts be run through Embassy Madrid to build on the close working relationships we have been able to establish. Counterterrorism is the highest priority of this Mission, from the Ambassador on down, and we will maintain close contact with Washington agencies to coordinate future efforts. After discussions between the Charge d'Affaires, Ambassador Dailey, and our interagency team, we believe there are several areas for immediate follow up that can come out of this visit. We would appreciate feedback and guidance on our proposed suggestions for maintaining momentum on US-Spain bilateral CT cooperation. -- Southern Europe/North Africa. We would like to soon follow up with the Spanish on concrete proposals for cooperation on initiatives to counter the terror threat emanating from North Africa. The Spanish indicated to Ambassador Dailey a willingness to weigh in on our behalf with their European allies, specifically France and Italy, to see if we might gain a seat at the table (even if only as an observer) to discuss regional strategies on North Africa. We would be happy to take back to the Spanish any specific proposals S/CT might envision. -- HSPD-6 Protocol. After almost a year of negotiations and fine-tuning the mechanics of the information-sharing protocol, we cleared a major hurdle with the September 17 signing. However, implementation is the key to moving forward and we hope that the U.S. Terrorist Screening Center will use the 90-day implementation period to iron out any final issues that might hinder the free flow of information on known or suspected terrorists. We will work closely with Spanish officials in the CNCA to make sure they make the best use of the 90-day window. We stand ready to assist as needed in bringing the two parties together. -- Data sharing. There are significant concerns that the new EU draft framework agreement for data protection (specifically Articles 14 and 27) create new obstacles to improved information sharing. The U.S. delegation solicited the Spanish government's views on the agreement. If Washington agencies can provide background on this issue expressing specific concerns and issues for the future, Post can follow up with the MFA. -- Radicalization. The Spanish are worried that their Muslim immigrant population is prone to radicalization and our counterparts tell us that Spanish prisons have become hotbeds of budding Jihadist activity. The Spanish appeared receptive to the Danish invitation to attend a conference on radicalization later this year, and we believe that they would be equally receptive to any advice or guidance we could provide from experiences integrating our own Muslim populations to encourage the Spanish to think about this problem in new ways. Post will coordinate with Embassy Copenhagen to make sure that a formal invitation is extended and ensure Spanish participation to the extent possible. -- Offer of assistance at Spanish airports. DHS/CBP has offered to assist Spanish airport authorities with document MADRID 00002023 005.2 OF 005 checks and other passenger monitoring, and Ambassador Aguirre raised this issue during September consultations in Washington. With background on this program and specific offers of assistance from DHS/CBP, Post can raise this issue with the GOS at a higher level. We would accept a 90-day TDY to start, but if successful, we would request a NSDD-38 and a permanent position, not a succession of TDYers. 12. (U) S/CT cleared this cable. AGUIRRE |
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