10 fotos

Pintoras surrealistas

Un recorrido por las salas de la exposición Mujeres fantásticas en la Schirn Kunsthalle (Fráncfort).

'The Surrealists/The Specialists' (1956), de Bridget Tichenor.Private Collection Mexico © Bridget Tichenor
I am in Training… Don't Kiss Me (1927), autorretrato de Claude Cahun.Private Collection © Claude Cahun / VG Bild-Kunst
'Rue d'astorg' (1936), de Dora Maar.© bpk / RMN - Grand Palais / Dora Maar / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2020
'Voltage' (19429, de Dorothea Tanning.© VG Bild-Kunst
'Tree Anatomy' (19429, de Ithell Colquhoun.© VG Bild-Kunst
'At the Appointed Time' (1942), de Kay Sage.Newark Museum of Art © Estate of Kay Sage / VG Bild-Kunst
'Chtonian Deity watching over the Sleep of a Young Man' (1946), de Leonor Fini.VG BildKuns
'Torso, autorretrato' (1963-64), de Louise Bourgeois© The Easton Foundation / VG Bild-Kunst
'Venus primitive', de Meret Oppenheim.© Kunstmuseum Solothurn / VG Bild-Kunst
Autorretrato de Frida Kahlo (1940).© Banco de México Diego Rivera Frida Kahlo Museums Trust / VG Bild-Kunst