Serious offenses
While the incarceration of ex-members of the Catalan government may cause political problems, the justice system must act
While the incarceration of ex-members of the Catalan government may cause political problems, the justice system must act
Ousted Catalan premier wants to keep fueling the independence process from Brussels
Catalonia needs to quickly recover in terms of legal security and investments
After the intervention of the central government, Catalan civil society has got back its voice, its streets and its institutions
The restoration of legality via the application of Article 155 gives a breath of fresh air to an exhausted society
The regional elections that have been called by Prime Minister Rajoy will return the voice to the Catalan people that has been denied by regional premier Puigdemont
The situation that has been created by Puigdemont point to, ultimately, the existing divisions within his own ranks
There are growing concerns among Spain’s EU partners that the Catalan secessionist drive will lead to a disintegration of Europe
The issue of EU membership and the mass exodus of firms shatter the fantasy of a wealthier independent republic
The Catalan crisis should serve to make Spain improve its highly-respected democracy
The Spanish government has taken action to restore constitutional law in the region of Catalonia
The application of Article 155 has become essential in the face of blackmail by the Catalan leader
Economic action plans are required in case the secessionist crisis carries over to 2018
The Catalan crisis has seen the rule of law and democracy cornered in Spain, leaving the central government in turmoil
The Spanish government needs to explain to people how it plans to tackle the Catalan challenge
A judge has sent the heads of two pro-independence associations to prison. Is it time now for police chiefs and their political masters to stand down?
The regional premier has been given more time this week to avoid the central government’s response to the secessionist challenge
The combination of Article 155 and constitutional reform opens up a new space for dialogue
A unilateral declaration of independence would open the door to a dire crisis in Catalonia
The pro-unity march seen in Barcelona on Sunday has blown away the narrative of the pro-secessionists
A plural Catalonia took to the streets on Sunday to show its rejection of the breakaway process
Mediation is asking the Catalan government to go back to respecting the law and the Constitution
The current political chaos in the region will have serious consequences for growth
Spain’s parties must draw up a plan to complete the objective outlined by the king
Faced with an insurgency, a political proposal that will attract a majority of the region’s population must urgently be crafted
Brussels is resisting attempts by secessionists in Catalonia to have it intervene on the issue of independence
Spanish PM Mariano Rajoy must explain what he is prepared to do to ensure a peaceful and democratic future for the current Spanish system of autonomous regions
Agreements cannot be reached with those who stage a coup. There can, however, be dialogue over more self-government
This democratic fraud is a mockery, and no one should give it legitimacy with their participation