A coup in Venezuela
The stripping of the powers of the Venezuelan national assembly is veritable coup that leaves no room for nuance of any kind
The stripping of the powers of the Venezuelan national assembly is veritable coup that leaves no room for nuance of any kind
Discrimination and violence against women concern the whole of society
A questionable decision regarding Iñaki Urdangarin is made worse by suspicions about the public prosecution service
Chaos, scandals and threats have defined the first month of the billionaire businessman’s presidency
Thousands of Mexicans have sent an unequivocal message to the president of the United States
Rajoy’s offer to act as intermediary for Trump in Europe and Latin America will hurt Spain’s image
Europe should be able to stand on its own two feet in an increasingly insecure world
Trump’s arbitrary decision to impose a travel ban has unleashed head-on opposition around the world
The Ibero-American community must support a partner that is being harassed by Trump
Prime Minister May takes a leap into the unknown and presses for a complete exit from the European Union
Burning photos of the Spanish king is discourteous, but it shouldn’t be a criminal offense
A balance needs to be found between workers’ rights and business competitiveness
Spanish king opens the new parliamentary term with a message promoting regeneration and dialogue
Once again, the PSOE has shown a better understanding of affairs of state than the PP
There is a future for the Socialist Party despite the pessimism currently engulfing it
The PSOE needs to bring an end to the current crisis and its internal conflicts
Galicia and the Basque Country vote for continuity and punish Pedro Sánchez’s intransigence
Hotels need to take advantage of the boom years to invest in improving standards
The images of a calf being fought and killed in the ring in the town of Valmojado have revived the debate about animal abuse
The end of negotiations with the FARC is a success for the entire region
The sacking of civil servants who are opposed to President Maduro is unacceptable
Spanish universities are still not faring well on international rankings. The government must take action
Fines and closures of Barcelona rental properties are a reminder that the market should remain open, but regulated