Spaniards must be able to depend on the impartiality of the Constitutional Court
Spaniards must be able to depend on the impartiality of the Constitutional Court
The EC’s order to recover tax breaks obliges Spain’s shipyards to review their market strategies
In Morocco, Juan Carlos has resumed his work of solid support for Spanish diplomacy
For Rajoy, it is pointless to buy weeks or months of political time by refusing to address accusations
The public deserves a truthful explanation about Bárcenas in Congress
Dialogue should take the place of tactics of exclusion and political inertia in the region
Rajoy’s refusal to explain the Bárcenas case throws the government’s authority into question
After the IMF’s revisions, the government should explain its belief in a recovery in 2014
Cornered by a foot-dragging legal system, Bárcenas is threatening the Popular Party with more damage
It is risky to face elections with major corruption cases left unresolved
The precarious situation of Spain’s maritime workers necessitates a deal with Brussels over tax breaks
The military must end repression and set out the calendar for a return to democracy
The ECB is preparing a new rate cut and putting a lid on any talk of growth
The diversion of Evo Morales’ plane reveals European weakness in the face of US pressure
The fourth consecutive fall in the unemployment figure does not imply an economic recovery
Germany, France and the EU demand explanations from Washington over the spying on US allies
The EU, which Croatia has now joined, must eliminate the right of veto in key decisions
The imprisonment of Luis Bárcenas has entrenched the PP in an unproductive silence
Anti-corruption prosecutors, a judge and the Swiss authorities corner the PP’s ex-treasurer
The ex-prime minister’s criminal convictions are a bind on the Italian government
The consensus reached among the political parties ahead of the EU summit will please Spaniards
Many sexual assaults go unpunished given that victims often fail to report them
The EU must advance, even though it is hard to reach accords amid recession and internal divisions
Education Minister Wert needs to urgently reexamine the new student grant system
The IMF is suggesting a swap of lower wages for more jobs, and lower Social Security contributions
The high-speed rail network is a sign of progress, but its scale must be reconsidered
The Turkish prime minister’s authoritarian bent is a serious risk for the country
Financial transparency is needed to curb corruption, as well as the removal of those under suspicion
The hike in borrowing raises questions about the progress being made to bring down the deficit
EU authorities have allowed the United States to spy on its citizens on a massive scale