PSOE: federal option
The step latterly taken by the Socialist Party seems to respond to an emergency situation caused by the secessionism of Artur Mas
The step latterly taken by the Socialist Party seems to respond to an emergency situation caused by the secessionism of Artur Mas
Until Snowden we lived in the illusion that the social networks gave us unlimited capacity for action
As with the head of WikiLeaks, world opinion and the US courts are treating analyst Edward Snowden as a criminal
Almost all the independent recording firms that channeled creative energy were gangsterish in their behavior, if not directly owned and operated by the mob
Lie-mongering is the common factor that led to the Popular Party's defeat in the 2004 elections, and will soon lead to the replacement of Rajoy as prime minister
The Gürtel case is the archetype of a process conditioned by parliamentary privilege
The Transition did not emerge from agreement between the regime and opposition
Germany is the country we cannot do without if we are to climb out of the crisis
The continent this Spaniard wanted to see had little to do with what he himself had long struggled for
Popular uprisings in the Middle Eastern nation have a long and complicated history that combines radically diverse perspectives
Spain has a special relationship with Latin America and the obligation to defend its interests in matters involving the European Union
Dionisio Ridruejo and Ferran Planes narrate two distinct, complementary tales
Is the book you are holding art, or just merchandise? Why is J. M. Coetzee's work literature while Dan Brown's isn't?
Summer in Madrid does not have to be a bad option
The overthrow of Morsi will serve for nothing: any real exercise of democracy will put the Islamists back in power. Egypt will not progress until it puts the army in its place
The economic crisis threatens to liquidate the best political idea we Europeans have ever had
The Snowden leaks show serious violations of the right to privacy in communications, which is protected in every democratic constitution
The Wert education law is a symbol of elitism, and the massive privatization of basic services typifies the caste culture that is corrupting Spanish democracy
People take statistical probabilities for an oracle, forgetting the element of uncertainty
In this country we are really into speculation, which is why we like radio talk shows, where professional talkers speculate about this and that, but never finish a story
The demonstrations in Brazil increased almost overnight from a few thousand to over a million protestors. But it is the middle classes who are pouring out into the streets
Europe’s political families are poor representatives of the values the Union is meant to espouse
Union would prevent collapses caused by failings of major financial insitutions
Russian supremo feels betrayed by a middle class he sees as ungrateful for his prosperous reign
Erdogan’s excesses and Morsi’s creeping conservatism offer little hope that Islam and democracy can mix
While the rest of the world was starved of sounds, US soldiers in WWII could listen to V-Discs
Modern social protests mobilize the masses like never before. Efficacy of such grassroots movements is questionable
The bus fare hike has been thought as the cause of the protests, now it seems it's just the tip of the iceberg
The spymasters know that if you sow fear in suitable doses you harvest docility and submission
The government’s latest appointment to Spain’s top court shows plainly a desire to manipulate justice