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General conditions

  1. IDENTIFICATION DATA: In compliance with the duty of information set down in section 10 of Act 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following data are shown below: The company that owns this website (hereinafter, the Site) is EDICIONES EL PAÍS, S.L., with address at Calle Miguel Yuste, 40 - 28037 Madrid, with Corporate Tax ID No. B-85635910, entered at the Mercantile Register of Madrid in volume 26,455, folio 157, section 8, sheet M-476760, 1st entry (hereinafter, EDICIONES EL PAÍS).
  2. USERS: Acceso to and/or use of the portals of EDICIONES EL PAÍS attributes the status of USER, who accepts, as from said access and/or use, the General conditions of Use set down here. Said Conditions shall apply independently from any Contracting General Conditions that may be obligatory, as the case may be.
  3. USE OF THE PORTAL: the Site of EDICIONES EL PAÍS provides access to multiple information, services, programmes and data (hereinafter, "the contents") on the Internet belonging to EDICIONES EL PAÍS or its licensors that the USER may access. The USER takes responsibility for the use of the Site. Said responsibility includes the registration needed to access certain services or contents. In said registration, the USER shall be responsible for furnishing truthful and lawful information. As a result of this registration, the USER may be given a password for which they will be responsible, undertaking to use it in a diligent and confidential manner. The USER undertakes to adequately use the contents and services (for instance, chat services, discussion forums and news groups) that EDICIONES EL PAÍS provides through its Site and, by way of illustration only, is not to use them for (i) incurring in unlawful or illegal activities or those contrary to bona fide and public order; (ii) disseminating contents or propaganda involving racism, xenophobia, illegal pornography, justification of terrorism or anything detrimental to human rights; (iii) damaging the hardware and software systems of EDICIONES EL PAÍS, its suppliers or third parties, entering or disseminating on the web computer viruses or any other hardware or software systems susceptible of causing the aforementioned damages; (iv) trying to access and, as the case may be, use the email accounts of other users and modifying or manipulating their messages. EDICIONES EL PAÍS reserves the right to remove any remarks and contributions violating the respect for personal dignity, whether they involve discrimination, xenophobia, racism, pornography, are detrimental to youth or children, public order and safety or which, in its opinion, are not adequate for publication. In any event, EDICIONES EL PAÍS shall not be responsible for the opinions expressed by users via forums, chats, and other participation tools.
  4. INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY: EDICIONES EL PAÍS, either directly or as assignee, is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights in its web pages, as well as of the items included therein (by way of illustration only, images, sound, audio, video, software or texts; brands or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programmes needed to operate, access and use them, etc.), owned by EDICIONES EL PAÍS or its licensors. All rights reserved. By virtue of the provisions in sections 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the [Spanish] Intellectual Property Act, the reproduction, distribution and public disclosure, including any means of making available, of all or part of the contents of this web page, for commercial purposes, on any format and by any technical means, without the authorisation of EDICIONES EL PAÍS, are expressly prohibited. The USER undertakes to respect the intellectual and industrial property rights owned by EDICIONES EL PAÍS. They may view the items on the Site and even print, copy and store them in the hard drive of their computer or on any other physical medium, provided that it is solely and exclusively for their personal, private use. The USER must refrain from erasing, altering, circumventing or manipulating any protective devices or security systems installed within the pages of EDICIONES EL PAÍS.
  5. EXCLUSION OF GUARANTEES AND LIABILITY: EDICIONES EL PAÍS shall in no event be liable for the damages of any nature that may be caused, by way of illustration only, by: errors or omissions in the contents, unavailability of the portal, or the transmission of viruses or malware or rogue programmes in the contents, in spite of having adopted all the necessary technology measures to avoid it.
  6. MODIFICATIONS:E DICIONES EL PAÍS reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate in its Site without notice. It may change, erase or add to the contents and services provided therein as well as the manner in which they are presented or located on its Site.
  7. LINKS: In the event the Site provides links or hyperlinks to other sites on the Internet, EDICIONES EL PAÍS shall not exercise any control over said sites and contents. In no event shall EDICIONES EL PAÍS take any liability whatsoever for the contents of any links belonging to other party's websites, and it shall not guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, exactness, extension, truthfulness, validity and agreement with the Spanish constitution of any materials or information included in any of said hyperlinks or other Internet sites. Likewise, the inclusion of such external connections shall not imply any type of association, merger or participation with the entities to which they connect.

    Subject to the foregoing, some links will be negotiated or agreed to beforehand with the controller of the linked to contents, such that a consideration may be generated as a result of the free actions of the USER. This situation shall in no event affect the exclusion of liability in respect of the linked contents or the independence of this medium.

  8. RIGHT OF EXCLUSION: EDICIONES EL PAÍS reserves the right to refuse or remove access to its Site and/or the services provided without prior notice, at its own initiative or requested by third parties, to users breaching these General Conditions of Use.
  9. GENERAL: EDICIONES EL PAÍS shall pursue the breach of these conditions and any undue use of its Site, bringing any civil or criminal proceedings to which it may be entitled by law.
  10. MODIFICATION OF THESE CONDITIONS AND DURATION: EDICIONES EL PAÍS may at any time modify the conditions set down here, duly publishing them as they appear here. The force of said conditions shall depend on their exposure and they shall remain in force until modified by other duly published conditions.

© EDICIONES EL PAÍS, S.L. Miguel Yuste, 40 – 28037 Madrid.