Indice Financia] Times 1.135,4 (+13,8)

Babcock Intl.,175 / Barclays Bank, ,459 / Barlow Rand, 293 / Bass Plc., 687 / Beecham Group, 313 / Br. Petroleum, 608 / Burmah Oil, 301 / Cadbury Schweppes, 145 / De Beers Coris. Dfd., 490 / Gen. Electric, 186 / Guinness ,306 / Imp. Chem. Ind., 732 / Lloyd ,Bank, 509 / Marks Spencer, 189 1 Mid 1 and Bank, 457 / Nat. West. Bank, 717 /Philips Lamps, 12 15/16 / Rank Org., 474 / Río Tinto Zinc, 547 / Rothmans Intl., 126 / Royal Dutch Pet., 44 19/64 / Shell T., 586 / Thorn E...

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Babcock Intl.,175 / Barclays Bank, ,459 / Barlow Rand, 293 / Bass Plc., 687 / Beecham Group, 313 / Br. Petroleum, 608 / Burmah Oil, 301 / Cadbury Schweppes, 145 / De Beers Coris. Dfd., 490 / Gen. Electric, 186 / Guinness ,306 / Imp. Chem. Ind., 732 / Lloyd ,Bank, 509 / Marks Spencer, 189 1 Mid 1 and Bank, 457 / Nat. West. Bank, 717 /Philips Lamps, 12 15/16 / Rank Org., 474 / Río Tinto Zinc, 547 / Rothmans Intl., 126 / Royal Dutch Pet., 44 19/64 / Shell T., 586 / Thorn Emi, 419 / Unilever, 12 19/32 / Vickers Ord., 315 / Woolworth Hlds., 585.

Índice Agefi226,19 (+4,29)

Cie. Bancaire, 825 / BSN Gervais, 2.480 / Carrefour, 2.840 / Club Méditerranée, 500 / Perrier, 774 / Elf-Aquitaine, 216 / Michelin, 1.490/ Moët-Hennessy, 2.155 / Moulinex, 61/ CFP, 304 / Peugeot, SA, 464 / Printemps, 344 / Roussell-Unclaf, 1.655 / Shell Transport, 76,95 / Unilever, 1.025 / Santa Fe, 155 / Sanfic-Alcan, 364 / Chargeous Reunis, 714.

Índice Dow Jones1.359,40 (-2,86)

Alcan Alurninium, 26 3/4 / Am. Can., 64 / American Tel. y Tel., 23 3/8 / Atlantic Richfield, 66 5/8 Bethl Steel, 15 3/8 / Coon Pac., 13 East Kodak, 49 1/4 / Ford Mt., 54 1/2 / Gen. Elec., 66 3/4 / Gen. Motors, 71 1/8 / Inco. Ltd., 12 1/4 / IBM Corp., 140 3/8 / Int. TT, 33 3/4 / RCA, 48 5/8 / US Steel, 26 1/8.

Índice Commerzbank166,19 (+0,59)

AEG, 237,50 / Basf, 270 / Bayer, 261,50 / BMW, 600 / Commerzbank, 272,50 / Conti Gummi, 159,60 / Daimler, 1.229,50 / Deutsche Bank, 712 / Dresdner Bank, 344,50 / Hoeschester Farben, 165,50 / Karstadt, 333 / Kaufhof, 323 / Mannesmann, 268,50 / Siemens, 675 / Thyssen, 175,80 / Volkswagenwerk, 415.

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