Madrileños to get warm, well-lit places to smoke

Regional government to subsidize heated terrace bars now that tobacco ban includes all interior spaces

Smokers in Madrid at last have something to smile, having grudgingly got used to obeying a ban on tobacco in all enclosed public places introduced earlier this month. The regional government has announced a plan to provide subsidies of up to 40 percent for bars to install lighting and heaters on terraces, to give smokers a warm and bright place to enjoy their habit.

Popular Party regional premier Esperanza Aguirre has made a habit of defying the principle behind the Socialist government's attempts to limit smoking in public. After the previous anti-smoking law was passed in 2005, which ...

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Smokers in Madrid at last have something to smile, having grudgingly got used to obeying a ban on tobacco in all enclosed public places introduced earlier this month. The regional government has announced a plan to provide subsidies of up to 40 percent for bars to install lighting and heaters on terraces, to give smokers a warm and bright place to enjoy their habit.

Popular Party regional premier Esperanza Aguirre has made a habit of defying the principle behind the Socialist government's attempts to limit smoking in public. After the previous anti-smoking law was passed in 2005, which prevented large bars and restaurants from being all-smoking spaces, Aguirre tried to make exceptions for weddings.

Meanwhile, a survey carried out by a business association has found that eight out of 10 Spanish bars have seen revenues fall between 11 and 60 percent since the January 2 smoking ban.

Smokers at a terrace bar in the Madrid suburb of Villaverde.SANTI BURGOS
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