7 enero 2015
Actualizado 17:41 CET

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Spain and Andorra to sign agreement to combat tax fraud

Carlos E. Cué / Pere Ríos Madrid / Barcelona

Spanish PM’s official visit to principality comes in wake of former Catalan leader Jordi Pujol’s revelations that he kept secret accounts there

Man dies after falling during Three Kings parade in Almería

The 20-year-old, who was dressed as Baltasar, tumbled four meters after his float collided with an overhanging cable in town of Níjar

EL PAÍS offices evacuated after suspicious package left at entrance

El País Madrid

Man speeds off in taxi after dropping box off at Madrid headquarters

Felipe VI pays tribute to his father as he presides first Pascua Militar

Spanish king also thanks members of the armed forces as he oversees the military ceremony, which dates back to 1782


Nearly all parties guilty of financial crimes, Spain’s Audit Court finds

Watchdog’s chief attorney drafts a damning report against national and regional groups, including the ruling PP and the Socialists

Crowdfunding bypasses party finance laws, says Audit Court

Watchdog warns that online fundraising methods used by likes of anti-austerity group Podemos circumvent ID requirements


Pablo Iglesias with hepatitis C support group members. / Julián Rojas

Hepatitis C patients to march for access to expensive new drugs

Podemos leader asks Spanish sufferers to go with him to Brussels to show MEPs the consequences of their austerity policies

Military operations

US wants elite Marine squad permanently stationed in Andalusia

Special operations force at Morón would be in place to respond to crises in Africa. Spanish officials are unhappy at late request for new treaty


Spanish labor market creates jobs for first time in seven years

El País Madrid

Figures released by Labor Ministry reveal that 417,574 people signed up to the Social Security system in 2014, while registered unemployment fell by 253,627 people


Spain’s AVE high-speed rail system set for record expansion in 2015

Network to grow by a third this election year with new stations and more than 1,000 kilometers of track to open

Workers leave Iberdrola in the early afternoon. / S. S.

Why working 8am to 3pm is still a dream for most Spaniards

Power firm Iberdrola’s timetable has improved productivity, but rest of nation’s private sector is reluctant to change


Why the New Year will not mean a clean slate for corruption suspects

The king’s sister Cristina and the corrupt Gürtel businessmen will face trial during 2015 as part of 150 ongoing investigations involving 2,000 official suspects

Margo Pool, pictured next to her husband’s grave site. / nacho gómez

Life and death in Galicia

Margo Pool’s husband was murdered in Santaolla, but the Dutch widow says that won’t stop her from spending the rest of her days in the abandoned village

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Sara, Sauditu, Hugo, Isa and Kacper with their smartphones. / S. Burgos

Adolescence in the smartphone age

How should parents of under-15s – the first generation to become teens with their own phones – control their children’s online activity?

Andalusian TV airs video to apologize for New Year error

Public station Canal Sur resorts to humor to say sorry for blunder that led to viewers missing midnight chimes

Duchess of Alba’s secret will to be opened this month

Madrid court set to reveal mystery instructions that Spanish aristocrat, who died in November, drafted in 1973


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Cuba begins releasing 53 political prisoners in compliance with US deal

Releases were part of pact made before normalization of relations announcement

Mexico’s indispensable indigenous midwives

Paula Chouza Mexico City

More than 3,000 unlicensed women assist with births in poverty-stricken Chiapas

FARC ceasefire remains intact, says Colombian leader

Santos announces change in approach after advancements in peace negotiations with rebels

Mexico’s Peña Nieto to discuss immigration reform with Obama

Two presidents set to tackle most recent policies during White House meeting

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