14 abril 2015
Actualizado 16:02 CEST

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Spanish hourly wages fall further from euro-zone average

Eurostat study finds that workers in Spain make 27.3% less than those in common currency countries as a whole


Inside the Madrid college “laboratory” that hatched Podemos

The politics faculty of the capital’s Complutense University served as the testing ground for the ideas behind Spain’s newest political force

Voter poll shows Podemos still in the lead but losing momentum

Ciudadanos continues its rapid rise, confirming that four parties will vie for power in May and November elections


Spain and Morocco make show of unity despite recent double crisis

Foreign ministers give joint press conference in Barcelona in wake of cavers’ deaths in the High Atlas and a Spanish court’s decision to prosecute 11 Moroccan military officials over Western Sahara

Mas and Rajoy open EU-Mediterranean summit

Catalan pro-independence premier and Spanish prime minister coincide at Barcelona meeting to discuss illegal immigration and jihadist terrorism

Spaniards keen to invest further in Cuba before US lifts trade embargo

A delegation of 43 businesses has traveled to Havana to discuss expanding opportunities on the island


Antonio María Rouco in 2012. / claudio álvarez

Former archbishop sparks outrage over “scandalous” retirement plans

Cardinal Antonio María Rouco is reported to have moved into a €1.7 million apartment in Madrid, prompting calls for protests


Why 2014 was the year Spaniards paid most tax

The fiscal burden of citizens and families last year was the highest seen in at least two decades. With elections looming and signs of recovery in sight, households may start to notice some relief

Pensions, healthcare, defense... Taxman opens up on spending

For the first time, the state will inform Spanish taxpayers on how their money is being used

MIAU collective members admire some of Fanzara’s artworks. / á. s.

How a tiny Castellón village became Spain’s graffiti capital

The inhabitants of Fanzara have invited street artists to decorate the entire town. “We’re living in a huge open-air gallery!”


Arrested Catalonia jihadists planned to slit throat of kidnap victim

Eleven-member cell broken up by police on Wednesday had been closely watching key locations in Barcelona and elsewhere


PP to tweak abortion reform again to placate party rebels

Half a dozen hardline senators and deputies have been threatening to vote against bill if terminations are defined as a woman’s right

Passengers watch an Iberia plane. / Álvaro García

How Iberia became the world’s most punctual airline

Ninety-two percent of the Spanish carrier’s flights were on time in February, according to monitor Flightstats


No grand plan behind ERE fraud, claims Andalusian ex-premier

Reyes Rincón Madrid

José Antonio Griñán testifies before the Supreme Court over the probe into a massive misuse of funds for struggling businesses

San Ildefonso students sing numbers at the Christmas lottery. / L. S.

Singing lottery children left out of gambling law to protect minors

Government cites “deep-rooted tradition” of a ceremony in which San Ildefonso students draw the Christmas winning numbers

Spain’s Finance Ministry to restrict online betting advertising

Under new proposals, gambling websites will be banned from publicizing odds during live broadcasts of sports events

Más información


Some of the holograms projected on to Congress on Sunday. / KIKE PARA

Activists mount hologram protest against Spain’s “gag” law

A high-tech demonstration brings together 2,000 virtual protestors outside Congress in Madrid

Who was the mysterious, 19,000-year-old “Red Lady”?

Spanish archeologists publish findings from a unique burial site uncovered close to the Altamira caves in Cantabria

The allure of Lisbon

Portugal’s capital is experiencing a tourism boom like no other major European city. What are the secrets of its success?


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Brazilians hold second anti-government demonstration in a month

Thousands pour out on to São Paulo streets to demand Rousseff’s resignation

Challenges ahead for Obama, with US lawmakers skeptical about Cuba

US leader holds historic meeting with Raúl Castro in Panama City

Ex-Spanish PMs Aznar and González unite to condemn Venezuela abuses

Twenty-five former Ibero-American leaders sign declaration on eve of summit

Why Argentina is keeping its drug problems under wraps

Pope Francis has warned about a possible “Mexicanization” of his country



Harnessing Spain’s “communist moment”

Where did Podemos come from? José Ignacio Torreblanca, author of a book on the new party, analyzes its origins in the 15-M movement

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