30 marzo 2015
Actualizado 19:08 CEST

Última hora


Politicians scramble for photo opportunities ahead of elections

But the flurry of ribbon-cutting is coming to an end, as voting legislation prohibits any more inaugurations before May 24


What now for Spain’s public broadcaster?

Joseba Elola Madrid

Mounting debts, accusations of political interference, falling audience share… RTVE needs urgent attention

Just 14 of Spain’s 48 national airports are turning a profit

The stock market flotation of public body AENA has forced it to become more transparent in its accounts, revealing multi-million losses from many installations

Ainhoa Valdés (left) and Irene García have to report to prison on Wednesday. / Á. G.

Two women fight to avoid jail over seven-year-old credit card crime

Pair facing two-year sentences for spending €857 at El Corte Inglés with a stolen Visa, but now lead lawful lives, have jobs and a child

Germanwings pilot hid illness from employers and colleagues

A doctor’s note found torn up in the Düsseldorf apartment of Andreas Lubitz reveals that he had been given medical leave on the day of the air crash, which killed all 150 people on board

“The copilot was intending to destroy the plane”

Head of investigation into Germanwings crash says black box shows the crew member deliberately began the descent of the aircraft and refused to let the captain enter the cockpit


Opposition accuses Popular Party of running a “police state”

Spain’s ruling group pushes controversial penal code reform and Citizen Safety and Anti-Terrorism Laws through Congress

public spending

Not one AVE high-speed rail line is turning a profit, says new study

Multi-billion euro investments made by past and current governments were off track, the report concludes

A group of visitors enters the Altamira cave last year. / Pablo Hojas

Altamira cave will open to visitors

Widely expected decision flouts expert report and the majority opinion of world authorities on prehistoric art conservation


Spanish economy picks up pace, growing 0.8% in first quarter of 2015

El País Madrid

Bank of Spain credits better financing conditions, dropping oil prices, euro depreciation and greater household spending for its increasingly optimistic forecast for this year

Spanish police crack down on Gibraltar cigarette smugglers

Patricia Ortega Dolz La Línea de la Concepción 1

Contraband tobacco has become a major source of income for many impoverished communities bordering the Rock

Telefónica has decided to give customers a free upgrade. / R. V. (EFE)

Telefónica to triple customers’ broadband speeds

Unprecedented upgrade will be free and aims to encourage subscriptions to new services, such as pay TV

Más información


The beach of Los Toros, near Isleta del Moro, in Cabo de Gata natural park (Almería). / Andrés Campos

Cabo de Gata: bathing suits optional

A look at the very best and most remote coves in this Andalusian natural park, where a volcanic past is still plain to see

‘World Press Photo’ rewards portrait of plight of migrants

Photojournalist Carlos Spottorno has won third prize in the Short Feature category for “At the gates of Europe”

Pedro Almodóvar: “A leopard does not change its spots”

The filmmaker discusses new movie ‘Silencio,’ a drama about leaving loved ones behind that features some new faces


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Stoppage at ArcelorMittal threatens stability in Michoacán

Mexican state is already struggling with organized crime, high debt and corruption

Opposition obtains key victories in Bolivian elections

Evo Morales’ ruling MAS party suffers several setbacks but says policies will not be affected

Argentinean court upholds dismissal of cover-up charges against president

Two of three judges on appeals panel reject dead prosecutor Nisman’s complaint

Venezuela files new charges against jailed former mayor

Daniel Ceballos ordered to be held in prison just before he was due for release

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