1 julio 2015
Actualizado 10:07 CEST

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Twenty-five combatants from Spain have died fighting in Syria and Iraq

New report, to which EL PAÍS has had access, reveals death toll. Since IS began trying to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad, around 114 Moroccan volunteers have traveled from Spain to Syria

Citizen Safety Law

Five things Spain’s ‛gag law’ will stop you doing from today

Protesting in front of Congress, climbing buildings and other types of “risky” behavior will carry fines of up to €600,000

Greenpeace activists protest Citizen Safety Law at Congress

Agencies Madrid

Environmental group unfurls banner against controversial law. The organization says the legislation penalizes peaceful demonstrations

Air traffic controllers call second round of partial strikes for July

El País Madrid

Spain’s Enaire airport authority refuses to back down over sanctions against 61 employees for 2010 walkout


The mystery of Spain’s abandoned drug helicopters

Daniel Verdú Madrid

Crashed choppers that no one wants to claim are cropping up around Andalusia every few months


The Dulce Nombre de María church’s web page.

Seville church website removes article on “curing” homosexuality

El País Seville

Parish priest says volunteer posted the text without giving warning


Spanish PM Rajoy seeks to allay fears of Greek contagion

Ibex 35 benchmark index suffers biggest losses in three years on first day of Greek capital controls, as analysts say a Grexit would only have a “limited” effect on Spain

Gay rights supporters cheer as an LGTB banner is hung at Madrid City Hall. / J. R.

Rainbow flags fly from official buildings in Madrid and Valencia

New leaders to emerge from May 24 elections symbolize “new way of doing politics” by embracing LGTB rights ahead of Gay Pride


Six-year-old boy who contracted diphtheria dies in hospital

Child’s parents had chosen not to vaccinate him despite free service. He became first case of disease seen in Spain since 1987


Youngsters cool off in Pamplona. / J. D. (EFE)

Spain swelters in heatwave, with red alert issued in Córdoba

El País Madrid

Skies are clear in practically all areas, with just a few cloudy spells expected in the Canaries and northern parts of the peninsula

Jägermeister is the biggest industry in the town of Wolfenbüttel. / S. A.

How Spaniards fell for Jägermeister

Spain is the fifth largest market for the liquor, which has used guerrilla marketing tactics to gain a foothold


Number of Spanish emigrants nearly doubles in four years

Jaime Prats Valencia

New demographics figures also show that rate of people leaving is slowing down and more Spanish emigrés are returning home

Judge summons Madrid councilor who made ETA jokes on Twitter

Reyes Rincón Madrid

High Court to decide whether leftist politician Guillermo Zapata may face trial for humiliating victims of terrorism over 2011 posts

Does the Spanish interior minister’s dog enjoy air travel perks?

El País Madrid

Socialists table question in Congress over whether “Lola” is getting VIP treatment. Official sources claim she travels mostly on high-speed AVE trains


Supreme Court probes ex-Andalusia chiefs for breach of public duty

Reyes Rincón Madrid

Manuel Chaves gives up deputy’s seat following judge’s report in ERE layoff fund case. José Antonio Griñán had already resigned as a senator on June 15


Alhambra chief arrested in money-laundering investigation

Police are looking into the 2007 awarding of the contract to rent audio guides to visitors of the Granada site, Spain’s most-visited tourist attraction

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Navy official Francisco Javier Galindo inside his laboratory. / ROA

Meet the man who just added a second to Spaniards’ lives

Manuel Ansede Madrid

Navy officer Francisco Javier Galindo is in charge of adjusting the universal time standard in Spain to keep it close to GMT

Rajoy takes Sarkozy for lunch, a new meme is born

Rajoy’s choice of venue for his meal with the French ex-leader sends users of the micro-blogging site rushing to Photoshop

How to plan your gay wedding

Gay marriage has been a reality in Spain since 2005. Jesús Encinar, founder of leading real estate website Idealista, explains how he organized his big day


Why Spaniards ‘shit in the sea’

New book explores the origins of puzzling Spanish idioms that can sound shocking, vulgar or nonsensical to many foreigners

How to sleep in the Spanish heat

A few simple tricks for surviving those sweaty summer nights – with no air conditioning required

Spain’s 20 top nudist beaches

As the Mediterranean waters begin to warm, it’s time to seek out spots along Spain’s 8,000-km coastline where bathers can bare all


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King Felipe : “Mexico is respected in Spain”

Spanish monarch pays homage to Spanish Civil War exiles during his first state visit to Mexico City

Human rights panel blames Mexico for delaying Iguala massacre probe

Experts want to speak to soldiers who saw the students the night they disappeared

An open letter to Donald Trump from a Mexican migrant’s daughter

Adriana Almanza’s post has gotten more than 325,000 likes on Facebook

The Mexican oil treasure found by a fisherman

In 1961 Rudesindo Cantarell saw a black patch in the sea that led to the discovery of the world’s second-biggest reserve

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