viernes, 17 enero 2014
Actualizado 20:56 CET

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Burgos mayor cancels controversial road project after massive protests

El País Madrid

“Social circumstances” make it “impossible” to continue controversial street expansion, says Lacalle

Burgos mayor orders work on flashpoint road project to restart

Opposition to Popular Party-run City Hall asks for dialogue and suspension of boulevard after week of violent protests

Support for Burgos boulevard rebels spreads across Spain

Arrests in Madrid as 500 gather to defend residents protesting controversial street remodeling project. Events planned for 48 other locations across the country

THE CATAlan question

Rajoy says Mas making dialogue “impossible”

El País Madrid

PM calls Catalan parliament’s latest self-rule move a “unilateral decision”


Prosecutors accuse eight Catalan police of murder after beating death

Jesús García Barcelona

The Mossos d’Esquadra officers could also face torture counts in connection with 50-year-old businessman’s fatality


Chairman of Basque cooperative group Mondragón resigns

Pedro Gorospe Bilbao

Decision to stand down follows the demise of electrical appliance manufacturer Fagor and the huge debt problems of its supermarket chain Eroski

Homosexual rights

Portuguese may vote on gay adoptions in referendum

EFE Lisbon

Measure must be approved by Constitutional Court

Residents of the Gamonal neighborhood in Burgos protesting the city’s plan to beautify the area with a boulevard. / s. otero (EFE)

In politics we trust (just not
in our politicians)

Spanish parties sink to lowest rating of all institutions

Fire service slams “campaign” against arrested firefighter

Madrid Mayor Botella criticizes capital’s PP government delegate over release of public servant's personal details

regional politics

Catalan assembly approves motion to seek leave to hold referendum

Three Socialist lawmakers break with party line to vote with pro-independence parties in favor of proposal

Catalan Socialist resigns seat ahead of referendum vote

Pere Ríos Barcelona

At least three PSC regional deputies expected to rebel against party orders to oppose Congress petition


Judge Garzón pardon request was lost for over a year

Petition for magistrate’s suspension to be lifted was filed in mid-2012 but no action has been taken


Santiago train crash judge orders probe into warnings over fatal curve

David Reinero Santiago de Compostela

Ourense chief mechanic sent email to superiors about "risks" two weeks before stretch of track was opened

Top judges suspend Andalusia’s pioneering anti-eviction law

María Fabra Madrid

PP appeal accepted by Constitutional Court magistrates


Loan default rate hits record high

El País Madrid

Non-performing loan ratio climbs to 13.1 percent in November


S&P removes threat to further cut Portugal’s debt rating

Agency sees growing signs of economy stabilizing

“Exterminating angel” spills the beans on ex-employers chief’s ruses

Associate of onetime CEOE chief Díaz Ferrán tells police how company money was made to vanish


Carrefour’s sales in Spain rise for first time in five years

El País Madrid

Retailer reported growth in organic revenues of 1.7 percent


Treasury pays lowest rate on three-year bond in euro era

El País Madrid

Marginal yield on notes maturing in 2017 drops to 1.620 percent


Eurogroup and EC insist Spain needs second round of labor reform

EFE Economía / El País Beijing / Madrid

EU commissioner Rehn says Brussels engaging in “constructive dialogue” with Rajoy government on the issue


Tax inspectors and police will testify in Princess Cristina case

Andreu Manresa Palma de Mallorca

Judge Castro bows to anticorruption prosecutor’s demand for more testimony before royal’s court appearance

Prosecutor attacks Nóos judge for “conspiracy theories”

Andreu Manresa Palma de Mallorca 1

Pedro Horrach demands more evidence and testimony before Princess Cristina declares as official suspect in fraud case

Infanta’s testimony brought forward to February

Andreu Manresa Palma de Mallorca

Royal’s lawyer says infanta anxious to clear her name as soon as possible


Short filmmaker Esteban Crespo gets Spain’s sole Oscar nod

El País Madrid

Madrileño director nominated for ‘Aquel no era yo’ about child soldiers in Africa


Extremadura PP urges government to shelve abortion reform

Francesco Manetto / Lucía Abellán Madrid / Brussels

Eurodeputies open new front in Brussels in united rejection of Spain's proposed “human rights violation”

PP ignores united call in Congress to modify abortion reform

Anabel Díez Madrid

Opposition parties say they will fight planned changes at the European level

Abortion reform erodes voter support for ruling Popular Party

Fernando Garea Madrid 1

Metroscopia survey shows Socialists would win elections by 1.5 percentage points, but neither group would get near a majority


The CMRB has lost 16.8 percent of its budget in the last four years. / GIANLUCA BATTISTA

Quitting top medical researcher lambasted by authorities

Central and Catalan governments accuse head of Barcelona Regenerative Medicine Center of prioritizing post in California

Stem cell guru walks out on Spanish science

Juan Carlos Izpisúa is leaving the Barcelona Regenerative Medicine Center due to a lack of support


Economy is “changing cycle,” Rajoy tells US Chamber of Commerce

Miguel González Washington 1

Labor reforms are government's biggest achievement, says PM, pledging to strengthen trade relationship

Obama praises Rajoy but warns that jobs remain biggest challenge

Miguel González Washington 1

US president congratulates Spanish PM on his great “leadership” in introducing “unpopular but necessary” economic reforms


Spain breezes into record books as wind becomes main energy

El País Madrid

Sector covered 20.9 percent of total demand last year followed by country’s nuclear plants, which met 20.8 percent


Government may sell 10 percent of Bankia in the next few months

The nationalized bank’s share price has risen by over 80 percent in the course of the past three months

A woman serves sangría during Madrid's San Cayetano festivities. / Samuel Sánchez

Sangría: made in Spain and Spain only

El País Madrid

European Parliament passes legislation to protect the drink for the Iberian peninsula


Where there’s smoke, there’s ire

The burgeoning e-cigarette industry is making a lot of people a lot of money. But vendors in Spain have a problem: the patents of Wang Ji


Sacyr confident of reaching deal
to finish Panama Canal project

Amanda Mars Madrid

But consortium’s threat to suspend waterway expansion work over cost overrun dispute has not been withdrawn


“I don’t believe that this country has a 26-percent unemployment rate”

James Badcock Madrid 10

William Chislett, former correspondent in Madrid for 'The Times' and now a reputed analyst, gives his view of the crisis and how Spain's political class has handled it

Más información

Greek appetizer

Thyssen shows off El Greco works it is loaning to Toledo for 400th anniversary commemoration

'The Annunciation' by El Greco, part of the Thyssen-Bornemisza's collection.


Costa’s drought whets appetite

Atlético hosts Sevilla, one of the Brazilian’s favorite victims, as Real travels to Betis

The Englishman plotting unlikely route to rugby league stardom

Ambitious Spain head coach Darren Fisher undaunted by the fact that sport is barely in its infancy south of the Pyrenees

Welcome to Planeta Futuro

El País Madrid

EL PAÍS is launching a new portal focusing on sustainable global development, with the collaboration of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation


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EU prepares to defrost icy relations with Cuba

Brussels will negotiate a new policy with Havana after 17 years of Aznar’s “failed” Common Position

Panama Canal: how the world turned up for the big dig

José Meléndez San José (Costa Rica)

Spaniards made up majority of European workers in waterway’s construction

Cocaine routes multiply across Peru

The number of drug smuggling Bolivian aircrafts found in the Amazon goes up

Inside Brazil’s explosive prison system

Afonso Benites São Luis

Families of inmates fear a massacre will take place inside Maranhão state's jails

Maduro launches crime action plan and names new economic team

President restructures exchange system but promises no currency devaluation

Mexican troops retake Michoacán towns

Verónica Calderón APATZINGAN

Government meets with self-defense forces in bid to quell violence in the state



Transplant recipients María Ramírez and Charo Martínez have had trouble obtaining their medication. / CONSUELO BAUTISTA

From drugstore to drugstore...

Antía Castedo Barcelona

Transplant recipients in Catalonia are having to resort to hospitals and friends to obtain the medicines they need to stop their bodies from rejecting new organs


Around 50,000 Spanish children have been adopted from abroad since the 1990s. / M. Prince (CORBIS)

“Your real parents abandoned you”

The majority of children adopted from overseas suffer racism. Most find they have to come to terms with who they are and where they come from alone


Brothers who broke the Palomares nuclear cover-up

In 1966, a B-52 crashed over Almería, shedding three of its atomic bombs. The Franco regime launched a cover-up, but a wily US journalist and his beach-bum sibling uncovered the truth


The Palau de les Arts opera house has been closed to the public. / JOSé JORDáN

Calatrava’s opera house: a rip-off?

Ferran Bono Valencia

It will cost millions to remove mosaics from the Palau's façade


Finding treasure in the trash

Juana Viúdez Madrid

How consumers and supermarkets can help cut down on a waste of resources

Racing keeps cup dream ticking over, Alcorcón stalls

El País Madrid

Barcelona moves into quarterfinals with Messi icing on the cake

Carlos Sainz crashes out after unscheduled gas stop

Nadia Tronchoni Antofagasta

Spanish former champion unhurt after rolling buggy twice in Chile



Argentinean poet of love and pain dies aged 83

Juan Gelman won unanimous recognition in the world of Spanish letters


The eccentric who put a tiny Andalusian town on the map

English writer and Hispanist Michael Jacobs has died at the age of 61


Double Kross

After a disastrous last trip, US rock band gets to play two Madrid dates this time

The barman following in the footsteps of Vicente Ferrer

Manuel Orozco has raised 150,000 euros for aid projects in India


The long march home

‘Perfect Storm’ author Sebastian Junger’s new film and book charts the walk across the US he undertook with two war veterans and a Spanish photographer

This week’s movie releases

El País Madrid

Leonardo DiCaprio and Martin Scorsese clock up their fifth collaboration in black comedy 'The Wolf of Wall Street'

Cinemas begin ticket promotion

300 theaters offering cut-price movies




Remembrance of the turbulent past is a good vaccine against xenophobic, anti-EU nationalism


Rock Latino

The center of Hispanic culture is shifting westward due to Mexico's demographic weight and its infiltration of the US


Much ado about the infanta

The prosecutor lodges what amounts to a covert appeal and the justice minister weighs in


Olympic truce

Once the Sochi Games have passed off, Putin will once again be playing hardball

The latest in European science

Atomium brings together universities, newspapers and businesses to boost the movement of knowledge

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