
Seven Spanish cavers trapped in French Pyrenees

Rescue services have located but not yet able to reach group blocked in cave in Herran

Seven Spanish spelunkers are trapped inside a vertical cave in the French Pyrenees as a result of bad weather conditions, the Gendarmerie reported on Wednesday. The group has been found and all are in a good state of health, but rescue services have not yet been able to reach them.

The cave is located in the municipality of Herran, in the southwestern French region of Midi-Pyrénées.

The original group was made up of 15 cavers, eight of whom managed to exit the cave

The original group was made up of 15 cavers, eight of whom managed to exit the cave at around 4am Wednesday morning. It was they who alerted the rescue services, explained Gendarmerie sources.

The French media outlet France TV Info reported that the seven members of the group – six men and one woman – were expected to emerge from a pit cave known as Gouffre du Mile on Tuesday evening, but did not come out. The cavers were apparently blocked by rising waters caused by the bad weather that has affected the Haute-Garonne department in recent days.

English version by Susana Urra.

A map showing the location of the cave.

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