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Code of Ethics

Ethical Principles of EL PAÍS

EL PAÍS defines itself as an independent, general information journal, with a global scope particularly focused on Latin America, advocating democracy and plurality grounded on liberal, social principles, and committed with the protection and defence of the democratic and legal order enshrined in the Spanish Constitution.

Mission of EL PAÍS

The journal purports to directly present information that is truthful, as complete as possible, interesting, current and of top quality, such that it may help readers to understand reality and build up their own judgment. What journalists convey to readers are verified news items, refraining from including their personal opinion. There is a clear, distinct line between information and opinion.

Diversity in the Newsroom

EL PAÍS seeks to effectively provide equal opportunities to people regardless of their ethnicity, gender, sexual identity and religious beliefs, starting from their first day of employment. In the selection, hiring and promotion processes, objective procedures and policies are followed based on merit, capacity and suitability for the job, with no discrimination whatsoever.


EL PAÍS welcomes all inclinations, with the exception of those advocating violence as a means to an end. The people in charge at the newsroom are very strict in terms of rejecting opinions containing insults, xenophobia, racism, homophobia, slander or any others harming personal dignity, honour, image or privacy.


EL PAÍS is a liberal, independent, socially committed, European and Latin American journal.

As an independent daily newspaper, it comprises and heeds all social tendencies, rejecting that the end justifies the means. It acknowledges that sovereignty lies with the people, that is, in each and every citizen, who are all entitled to equal rights. The newspaper is an advocate of pluralism and democracy, exercised through universal suffrage. It accepts the fundamental rights of human beings and rejects all forms of totalitarian rule.

EL PAÍS does not belong to and does not act as the voice of any financial, cultural or political party, association or group. Even though it must defend the need for free enterprise and depends on advertising revenue, the journal rejects pressure and does not accept any conditions imposed by any economic lobbies.

Change and Correction policy

The newspaper must correct any mistakes in its articles, as quickly as possible and in a transparent manner. This task is particularly entrusted to the heads of each of the information areas. Nonetheless, writers have the obligation of correcting their own originals.

Corrections will be incorporated to news items as soon as the newspaper is aware of the mistake, even if years have gone by since the publication date.


Founded on May 4, 1976 and published by Grupo PRISA, a company listed on the four Spanish stock exchanges.

  • Editor: Soledad Gallego-Díaz
  • Assistant Editors: Mónica Ceberio, Jan Martínez Ahrens y Borja Echevarría
  • Editor for America: Javier Moreno
  • Editor for Catalonia: Lluís Bassets
  • Editor of the Editorial Section: Máriam Martínez-Bascuñán
  • Deputy Editors: Miguel Jiménez (Economy and Labour Area), Montserrat Domínguez, Miquel Noguer, Bernardo Marín, Carlos de Vega, Antonio Jiménez Barca and Berna González Harbour.
  • CEO: Alejandro Martínez Peón

Verifying facts and sources

Journalists can obtain their information in three ways: from their presence on site, as told by a third party, or from a documentary source. Readers are entitled to know which of these three circumstances is behind the article they are reading. To this end, the source will be stated whenever the journalist was not present when the action occurred. If the information comes from a single individual, the ‘source’ in the singular will be indicated.

Anonymous sources

Journalists have the obligation of not disclosing their information sources if they ask to remain confidential. Exceptionally, and for reasons pertaining to their honour or professional standing, journalists may disclose such sources if the editor authorises them to do so. Likewise, whenever particularly important information is involved, the editor of the newspaper is entitled to know the writer’s sources, with the express commitment not to disclose them.

Opinions are not to be concealed behind expressions used to mention alleged information sources (‘according to observers’, ‘as stated by political analysts’, and so on).


The Ombudswoman [or Ombudsman] guarantees readers’ rights, answers their complaints, doubts and suggestions regarding the contents of the newspaper, and oversees that the information approach heeds the ethical and professional standards prevailing in journalism. She may intervene following a request by any reader or on her own initiative.

Letters to the Editor

In its Opinion section, EL PAÍS publishes letters to the director, provided they are signed and backed by personal details (ID Card number, address, tel. no., etc.), allowing them to be authenticated. The Opinion team selects the letters according to their relevance and quality.


EL PAÍS encourages reader participation, always demanding quality and excluding insults, disqualifications and considerations unrelated to the topic at hand.

The editorial management decides on a daily basis which news items, articles, blogs or other contents are open to comments. The selection will be made according to information value and provided it is possible to moderate the quality.

EL PAÍS reserves the right to delete the comments it considers inadequate and it may ban individuals who do not heed the rules.


EL PAÍS Newsroom, Miguel Yuste 40, 28037, Madrid
Tel. No.: 913378200

Twitter: @el_pais