
Masked protestors ransack Zara store during Barcelona strike

Anarcho-syndicalist labor groups also storm branches of Apple and Fnac

A security guard topples over as demonstrators invade a branch of Zara in Barcelona on Wednesday.
A security guard topples over as demonstrators invade a branch of Zara in Barcelona on Wednesday.AP

Masked demonstrators aligned with the CGT and CNT anarcho-syndicalist labor unions caused havoc in a Zara store during a day of anti-austerity marches and transport strikes in Barcelona on Wednesday.

Protestors sent a security guard flying, burnt a mannequin and stole goods at the Passeig de Gràcia branch of the clothing chain. They also stormed branches of Apple and Fnac in the Catalan capital.

“Our aim is to protest in companies where the workers are defenseless,” said a CGT spokesperson.

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